You Can't be Serious

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The beat and flow of the music was Nino's constant morning companion, pumping from his headphones as he walked towards school. He let the sound of it sooth his raw edges, for whatever reason in a rotten mood as far as he went. In comparison to others he wasn't really all that bad, he mostly just got quiet, but he still found it difficult to head out that morning. He just wanted to stay put and not deal with anything, and he knew it was only going to get worse. Maybe that's where the foul mood came from, if not just from his lack of sleep. He had stayed up till almost four in the morning trying to finish this project on time, and he knew he was woefully unprepared for the test that went along with turning it in.

Another satisfying drop in music, falling in rhythm with his steps. He sighed, shaking his head and forging on, figuring that dwelling was just going to make him crabbier. Might as well get there and fail so he can go home again.

Nino jogged up the steps, keeping his headphones on as he set up besides the schools entrance to wait for Adrien. This wasn't exactly a ritual that had been agreed upon at any point, it's just what he did but Adrien seemed to appreciate it. Nino sourly considered how transparent he could be to his best friend, and doubted he would get very far before Adrien asked him what was wrong. He tried to consider a good answer, closing his eyes for a second to soothe his headache from exhaustion.

He about jumped out of his skin when someone touched him, and he almost fell off the ridiculously steep wall as a result before Adrien grabbed him, steading him on his feet.

"Woah dude!" he vaguely heard Adrien exclaim, taking off his headphones to hear the rest, "Don't freak out! Did you fall asleep out here?"

Nino looked at Adrien, slowly blinking as he got his bearings before rubbing awkwardly at his neck.

"Uh, yeah I guess," Nino laughed dismissively, trying to wake himself up a bit but failing miserably. God he was freaking tired.

"Did you get any sleep? You look dead on your feet," Adrien pressed, following after Nino as he suddenly started to head inside without warning.

"Not really," Nino said simply, his tone neutral but Adrien still quirked an eyebrow, jogging a bit to get ahead of him and force him to stop.

"What's up?" Adrien asked immediately, and Nino avoided his gaze, biting back irritation he knew only came from lack of sleep.

"Nothing, just tired. Kind of in a bad mood," Nino said honestly, and Adrien looked him so intensely in the eye he almost felt the need to back up before he nodded, apparently satisfied that he was telling the truth.

"Want me to leave you alone?" Adrien asked as they neared the classroom but Nino was quick to shake his head.

"No, you're fine. I just might not be like, super chatty today."

"That's cool with me, you ever want me to leave you be just let me know" Adrien said with that earnest sort of grin he was always able to spot out of his fake model ones. Despite his foul mood it made Nino smile.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it."

"No problem," Adrien assured him, clapping him on the shoulder and grinning again before excusing himself. Nino watched him for a moment trying to figure out where he was going before just deciding to wait at his desk since it was still early. Maybe he could catch some sleep.

That was the good thing about Adrien, he always knew when to back off. There were a lot of good things about Adrien, they were friends for a reason, so he knew he could count on Adrien's silent company for the rest of the day.

The thought made him feel a little better.

He was startled awake again by Adrien, and he was very surprised to find the classroom full and already in session. Man when he was tired enough he could sleep through a freaking war... what class was this even?

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