Just Do It Already

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Adrien was losing his freaking mind.

Saying he was sitting was inaccurate, it was probably better to say he was vibrating in his chair as class was called into session.

The teacher took her place at the head of the room, starting to address everyone when Adrien felt a tap on his arm and almost jumped out of his skin.

Nino was looking at him wide eyed, saying quietly "Dude are you okay?" His expression made it clear to Adrien how wacked out he must look but he couldn't help it, the tension had built so much within him he felt like he was going to snap in half.

It had been a week.

"I'm cool," Adrien blatantly lied, looking away from Nino and doing his best to sit still, but he couldn't, not really. Even when he managed to stop the tapping of his foot his thoughts still ran wild, like they had every second since his eavesdropping.

Why had nothing happened yet? Nothing had happened, it was driving him insane. There had been no contact, no masked women swinging in to say hello. Adrien had learned an unbelievable amount of information all at once but now nothing was happening and he was a wreck over it. What had changed? Obviously she had seemed hesitant but she wouldn't just back out would she? Nino was a stone wall, never letting anything slip or any sentence trail off in a way that Adrien could exploit for answers to questions he shouldn't even have. He wasn't supposed to know, so obviously nobody was considering what was happening to him. Adrien was supposed to be a blissful bystander until his lady came to him, but she hadn't.


Adrien shifted yet again in his seat, laying his head down in his arms almost to weigh himself down. He could feel Nino watching him any chance he could, but a small unreasonable part of Adrien's mind didn't feel all that bad. After all he was drowning in anxiety right now, Nino could deal with a little worry.

Adrien clamped his teeth together tightly, barely keeping in a groan of frustration.

No, Nino shouldn't have to deal with anything he was- he was amazing. Nino was the greatest friend anyone could ever have Adrien should have a fruit basket right now.

He had already spent the past week being as good to Nino as possible, making him laugh every chance he got and inviting him out to go places. As the days ticked by his affection had threatened to become smothering as he became more and more anxious over a rendezvous that hadn't happened yet. Adrien had forced himself to back off then, carefully towing the line between 'oh wow thanks' and 'another video game?' Still though, the more time that passed the harder it became to rationalize.

Had she lost interest? Was she so intimidated that she wouldn't even try? Maybe something else had happened that made her hesitant to pursue? He had been watching her closely during their patrols and she always seemed like she was trying to distract herself. Any 'innocent' comments he made asking whether she had any big plans coming up would just make her chew her lip in worry and quickly say "No."

And okay let's say a miracle happened and she did show up. What did he do? She was worried she wasn't going to be able to speak in front of him, he was going to die. Just, seven days. He had had seven days to fantasize and panic, thinking of every good, bad, and awful thing that could happen. What if when she was with him Plagg did something stupid and got spotted? What if she found out he was Cat Noir?

He felt something sharp and uncomfortable dig at his heart, his mood instantly dipping from anxious to wounded.

What would happen?

Would she just... not care anymore? She hadn't cared before... he swallowed a sigh. That wasn't fair to say, it wasn't that she didn't care it was just... she hadn't... it wasn't like how he...

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