Cat Woman

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Nino could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way to the rooftop, slowly taking the stairs upwards. He wondered idly if this is what gladiators felt like just before the gate rose, showing them all at once the blood drenched battlefield sunken into a pit for a mob's entertainment.

Alright probably not, but he was sort of on edge so forgive his embellishments.

Nino stood before the door that lead to the open air and waited for a moment, looking at the faded paint job on an insignificant door, before he took a deep breath and opened it.

It was deep into the night as Nino stepped out into the open, walking steadily and with discipline out towards the center of the flat area. He could feel his palms sweating in his balled up fists but he kept walking, well aware of the black clad figure slowly turning to regard him.

Cat Noir turned, and to Nino's surprise there was a smile on his face, that is until he saw Nino in full. The DJ could almost feel Cat taking in his stance, looking at his tense posture and set jaw. The smile fell, and it was replaced by something almost like guilt.

"Are you afraid of me?" Cat Noir said suddenly, the first to speak. He said the words without thinking, the sentiment slipping out as Nino's unease really settled in for him, and then Nino was suddenly feeling guilty as well. He hadn't meant to make him feel like a villain.

"No," Nino attempted to amend, forgoing a greeting since Cat Noir had done the same. "But I'd be lying if I said you suddenly showing up here didn't make me a little nervous."

The hero's hands rose in a placating gesture, the claws on the ends of his gloves making him look oddly inhuman in the dim lighting, though Nino supposed that was the point of them.

"I'm not here to fight or nothing! Honest I didn't mean to freak you out, I just want to talk."

Nino watched him with a steady gaze for a second, and could see his perception of the hero change slightly. Where he had seen an inhuman, possibly dangerous figure before he now saw a young kid about his age, trying to smile and put him at ease.

Nino's stance relaxed a little, fists unrolling but back still straight. Cat didn't seem to be looking for a shouting match either, but that made him wonder why he was really there.

"So," Nino finally said again, shifting his weight a little and watching curiously as the normally composed hero rubbed at the back of his neck. "What did you want to talk about?"

Cat wasn't looking at him, staring off the side of the building and off into the city. The silence stretched so long that Nino started to wonder if he was expected to say something else, before Cat said, "I shouldn't have been listening, in the alleyway. I wasn't supposed to be there and I had been spying. I wanted to apologize."

Nino's expression didn't change, unmoved by the apology. "It's not me you should be apologizing to," Nino responded, crossing his arms but not angry. "Though I guess it's something you needed to hear."

Cat Noir nodded to himself, still looking away and unbearable silence dominated again. They could hear the murmur of a city that was barely awake all around them, a light breeze blowing between them. The shift in power was so... weird. Nino had entered this space as the uncertain one, but now it was Cat Noir who couldn't maintain eye contact.

Nino waited, but the hero didn't seem to have the words to convey what he was there for, and Nino couldn't help the small sigh that slipped out, his eyes sliding closed.

"Listen man," Nino spoke again, and he could feel Cat's eyes on him. "I know you don't know me, and you actually have a lot of reason not to like me. I get that, I do, and I know you don't owe me crap but I'm asking you anyways." Nino opened his eyes, catching Cat Noir's too bright gaze as he asked, "Please leave this alone."

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