Once Upon A Muslim

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Assalamu Alaykum, Hello, Hola, (Okay, I think you got it by now),

This is Fay, here to give you a glimpse of my upcoming book, Once Upon A Muslim. Jazakha Allahu Khair (thank you!) for giving me a chance by clicking the orange button as I had suggested!

Okay, I know my summary sounds quite offensive with the Catholic mom kicking her daughter out of her house for accepting Islam, but I AM NOT USING THIS TO MOCK ANYONE. I just needed some kind of way for Kayla and Harun to meet, and that's the best way I could think of. So please, again, I AM NOT TRYING TO MOCK ANYONE. This is just a book in which I wanted to start a new passionate story. I hope you'll understand, Inshallah (God-Willing).

So please, if any of you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, PLEASE NOTIFY ME. I really want to make this story as suitable for everyone as possible.

Okay, so now some of you may be wondering: when is the release date of the book?? Well, my fellow readers, I have yet to decide on that, but I'll try to post at least three chapters or so this December, Inshallah.

Okay, I think I have answered at least a couple of your questions by now, so sit back and read this preview!


I knew that I had to make this change. Once I read the translation of the Holy Book, known as the Qur'aan, I knew that I had to make this change, which will change the rest of my life. And maybe my family's too.

But how can I make this change? We are Catholics; we take our religion seriously and strictly. Instead of going to church only every Sunday, Mom insists that we go at least three times a week, in order to stay close to God.

I believe that I am to only worship Allah alone, without any partners, and be upon Tawheed. I am to believe in Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and follow his practices and qoutes, otherwise called the Sunnah and the Sahih Hadiths. But I am not to forget Jesus, because he is not God, but he is a creation of Allah. He too was a Prophet, but many people believe Muslims don't believe in Jesus, but they actually do. And he was not crucified, but rather, he is with Allah now, well and alive, waiting for his role to be the Messiah when the nearing of the Day of Recompense approaches.

I do not yet know much about Islam, but my Muslim friend, Zahra, helped me. She talked about a lot of topics, only concerning Islam. She talked about how pure the religion is. She told me about the hardships the early Muslims had to face, which included persecution. She told me about how Prophet Muhammad's own uncle beated him and said that he is a man who carries around poetry, (he was talking about the Holy Qur'aan), and how he was a soothsayer, a magician - I can't stand it! His uncle! His own uncle said those nasty things about the Prophet, his nephew. He also beated him. Just because he was preaching Islam. Just because he was practicing Islam. Just because he recited the Qur'aan. Just because he worshipped Allah.

But did The Prophet give up? No! He had a strong conviction in his heart. No matter what, there was not stopping.

Now, I can go on and on about this. But now, I want you to hear my side of the story.


I take a sip from my warm Chocolate Mocha Chillata. I watch as the steam from my cinnamon rolls turn into wisps in the air and disappear.

Cinnabon has got to be the best pastry store ever! It is ultimately wonderful. The rolls are mouth-watering, and the chillatas are a delight. I just couldn't resist- I was hungry anyways, since I haven't eaten breakfast.

Zahra and I just went 'winter shopping', even though we were supposed to do that with our moms, but both are busy. My mom is Catholic; she takes Christianity seriously. No music. No clubs. No boyfriends. None of that. But Zahra's mom is Muslim; just like she is. She constantly reads the Qur'aan and prays and fasts. She also has little children to look after.

So, on a Sunday morning, with hundreds of people at the mall, we went shopping for boots, coats, scarves- everything! We bought anything we desired, but Zahra tried to spend her money wisely. I tried too, but those knee-high gray furry boots were irresistible! I just had to buy them. I just had to. And anyways, H&M were having a sale. Why not buy now then buy then?

We spent at least two- no, three hours of browsing, picking, and buying. It was a coincidence that we received allowances the same week; so we decided to go to the mall together and 'shop till we drop'. Literally.

I'm exhausted and hungry now, and what I needed is that Chocolate Mocha Chillata and a cat nap.

And, it was a good thing my mom let me have a free day today, and it's Sunday. I check my phone. It is 11:00. Keith, Kara, and Mom must have been home now from church.

Another good thing is that Mom didn't force me to go to an All-Catholic school. I persuaded her into letting me take a break from that, and to have an opportunity to meet new people. So she enrolled me into a public school, with a 4.8 star rating. At least as I came home with proud, strong As (and maybe a couple of Bs), every quarter, Mom will consider letting me stay at Churning Bay High. And that was where I met my friend, Zahra.

Zahra is Muslim, as I have mentioned earlier. She has a perky attitude and loves the morning, since Fajr, or the morning prayer, is her favorite time of day. She loves the morning, as it is 'always the time of day to start a new, bright day'.

I am the totally opposite. I am NOT a morning person. So lay one finger on me at 5:30 A.M., and you'll get it.

And if you do not know what 'it' is, than try me.

Anyways, there I am, finishing up my chillata. Zahra sat across from me, and had her earphones plugged in, as if she's listening to music, but I know better. She's listening to Qur'aan, I suppose, but I'm not quite sure. I have no knowledge of it, but I think one of the conditions of listening/reading to Qur'aan is by being in a peaceful, quiet place. It wasn't that loud, as if we were in a concert, but every now and then there would be the occasional person with a deep, loud voice.

So I reach over and tap Zahra and ask,"Um, what are you listening to?"

Zahra takes out an earphone out and leans in. "What was that?"

I raise my voice louder. "What are you listening to?"

"A khut- um, I mean, a lecture." Zahra smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, I forget that you're not Muslim. No offense, though."

I shake my head. "None taken." I wasn't offended, really, because that's how I am sometimes. And now, I was looking forward to being Muslim, after I read a few verses in a particular chapter Zahra recommended. The Opening Chapter, I guess.

But I didn't know how Mom, Keith, and Kara will respond. If I become Muslim, will they still accept me as family, or would they see me differently, being a Muslimah?


That's it, my fellow readers! I'll update the first chapter Inshallah, but I'll need to have time to work on it, so please don't rush me. Tell me what you think about Kayla! I know that from the summary, you have probably guessed what'll happen next. Please, again, notify me if you have ANY comments, questions, concerns, or ideas. I really want to make this story as suitable as possible, like I have mentioned earlier. I have never been in any experience like this, so if you have ANYTHING to say, please comment below or PM me.

Assalamu Alaykum and have a good day. :)

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