Chapter 18 | Unexpected Dreams

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It's been, what, two weeks? Eh, I'm sorry, I was being lazier than I've ever been. Also, I've been sick - well, kinda. I feel dehydrated most of the time and *sneeze*. You get the point.

Dedicated to UniqueBlueDiamond18 for her support and suggestion that I've used in this chapter.

I feel like this is a filler chapter. Sorry in advance.

Enjoy. :)


"Kayla, are you going to the airport? My mom said I can't go since Harun is leaving past my bedtime," Farhan says as he picks up his ball from the floor.

Harun and his parents are going to the airport around midnight tomorrow, because his flight leaves at two in the morning. I don't think Ali would be going, since he's busy with some school project. I'm still debating if I want to go. The least I can do is bid Harun goodbye since he won't return for a few months. But a part of me doesn't want to deal with the awkwardness that might come. The other part of me desperately wants to go. Besides, things have become less awkward between the two of us. "Um, I don't know. I might go."

"Okay. Let's go then." He heads to the front door and I follow him. I slip on my boots and coat.

"Are you sure you want to play soccer now? It's really cold outside, and there's some ice that hasn't melted yet." I don't want to upset Farhan, but I'm not really a soccer person. For starters, I suck. In middle school, I have been hit in the face with a soccer ball multiple times. I don't want to relive those memories.

He shakes his head as he puts on his own coat. He also grabs a thinner windbreaker. He hands it to me, and I take it. "The sun is out, and I'm sure the ice has melted by now." He's actually right. Despite the usual bitter cold winters we have, the temperature is a bit warmer. There's still some harsh winds, so we still have to put on our coats. Farhan opens the door and I follow him outside. The grass is dotted with morning dew, and there are only patches of snow here and there.

He told me earlier that he has to go to the park to play a few matches with his friends. Farhan wants to sign up for the soccer team once he's in middle school. He's serious about this, since he's practing earlier than expected. Although he's only ten, I admire his devotion.

"So, what's your favorite team?" he asks me as we start walking.

"Um, I don't know if I can only pick one," I start to say. Honestly, I don't really watch soccer, but I know a few good teams (I think). "Manchester United is pretty awesome."

"That's cool," he responds distractedly. I'm about to ask him what he's thinking about, but he beats me to it. "Do you think that my brother likes you?"

I try to dodge the question by saying, "Ali? By the way he sends me death glares, I think he wants me dead."

He rolls his eyes. He drops the ball and starts dribbling it. "It's pretty obvious. I'm talking about Harun. He seems to care about you a lot."

I don't answer him right away since I'm not pretty sure that I can. It's a possibility, but Harun's just like that. "It's... his nature. I'm not saying he particularly likes me. He's just trying to... make me feel welcome," I respond.

"Uh huh," he says in disbelief.

"Whatever," I say, dismissing the conversation entirely. I don't want to raise any false hopes.

"Why does your other brother hate me? Has he ever told you anything about it?" I put my hands in my pockets, realzing I didn't bring my gloves.

"I don't know. But he wasn't always like this."

"Um, when did he start being like that?"

He furrows his brows in deep thought. "Well, I'm not sure, but I do remember that one day he was mad when Hafsa told him that she accepted Luqman's proposal. He slammed doors. He also punched the wall. He even made his room into a mess - which was messier than he ever had it."

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