Big Day Tomorrow

124 13 3

Chloe's POV

as soon as i got myself home with Louis and Romeo , i went to my room and texted Lucas.

Me- Hey , its Chloe , the dog girl from the street?

Lucas- oh so you are the cute one. 

Me- .......not sure you are talking about me..

Lucas- of course I am , beautiful.

Me- *blush emoticon* 

Lucas- I love to do that

Me- what.

Lucas- make girls blush , that's what.

At the right time , Harry called me down for dinner.

Me- G2G for Dinner.

Lucas- oh bye then.

Me- Bye.

i tucked my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs...I met Harry on the way.


''awe really it hurts'' i pulled out a hurt face making him think i really have hurt my foot.

''okay babe let me carry you'' so he carried me down to the dining room and sat me down on a chair. 

''what happened that you are carrying her'' Liam asked

''she said she hurt her foot.'' harry said

''don't listen to him, that never happened.'' i said.

''But you said...''

''never happened ,harry''

 ''so you used me for a ride''

''maaybeeee'' he chuckled

''not gonna eat you Chloe. not gonna eat you'' he sat on his seat and we had a wonderful dinner. once i was done i ran upstairs since i was starting to feel sleepy , i had a glance at the clock and saw it was already 9.15 pm , i changed into my pyjamas and got in bed. before i could sleep i heard my phone bleep.

Lucas- Hey Chloe , i was just thinking that would you mind meeting me at Starbucks tomorrow?

Me- yeah sure what time?

Lucas- around 12 pm if that's okay

Me- yeah perfect

Lucas- okay great , Good Night.

Me- Good Night

I won't take it as a date, since he did not say it but I am still happy to go out with Lucas.





so what do you chipmunks think-

Does Lucas like her back?


Is he going to play with her love?

Comment your answers down bellow!

Kidnapped by One Direction (1D Fan.Fic) #Wattys2016 #JustWriteitWhere stories live. Discover now