Chapter 4

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I wake up startled as I realize mommy isn't here. I cry expecting her to run in here and change me and get me breakfast. I stop crying and look around the room whimpering I see the alarm clock is on. "Oh yeah, it's Monday mommy works today." I whimper to myself. I get up and try to change into my minions onsie but I has trouble with the snaps so I just stay in my undies. I did not want to wear a diper right now because it's hard to change my self. The day becomes the worst ever when I grab some cereal and get in my high chair as soon as I try to pour it I spill it all over the kitchen. I start crying and decide just to sleep instead that way I can't mess anything up until mommy gets home. I go lay down in my crib after playing with my Dino stuffie.
*skip ahead 3 hours*
I wake up and look around, the room is really bright and I notice my clock says it's 2:30. I start to bawl and weep because I realize that I slept past mommy coming home for lunch. I climb out of my crib and walk into the living room to watch cartoons. I notice a note on the TV. It reads,"
hey baby boy, I came home for lunch and you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. Don't worry about the mess in the kitchen mommy got it all cleaned up. I set out some clothes for you to wear on my bed and I'll give you a bath when I get home. Oh and there's a sandwich in the fridge. Mommy loves you my little dinosaur. Be good and you'll get a treat when mommy gets home." I giggle softly and skip to mommys room. She set out my pj's. It's really soft grey bottoms and the shirt says I love mommy I slide on my clothes. In the kitchen I find a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I scarf it down since I hadn't eaten all day. I go lay down in the living room with my teddy bear and turn on the teen titans.
*skip ahead to 5:30pm*

I hear the latch on the door and I turn just in time to see mommy walk through. I stand up and sprint to her and jump on her," yayy mommy your home I missed you so much, I'm sorry I was asleep when you came home."
"It's ok baby boy let me change real fast then we'll get you cleaned up I have a surprise for you since you were so good." I walk behind mommy while she goes to her room. I sit on her bed and wait patiently while she changes. While I do I admire her body. The way her skin glows, and the round, plump perfection of her breasts. And her soft tummy and her cute little belly button. I go to look at her face and see her looking sternly at me," baby boy, staring is very rude!"
"I'm sorry mommy I was admiring how pwetty you is." I explain.
"Oh, we're you now?" She responds with a sly smile. I slowly nod as she walks towards me. She lays me down on her bed and kisses me really gentle. Then she leans down and wispers in my ear" I'm sorry I snapped at you sweetie, that was very sweet thank you."
"Mommy?" I whimper quietly
"Yes baby boy?"
"May I nurse for a little bit?"
"Of course my little prince."
She pulls up her shirt and takes off her bra. I scoot closer and put her nipple in my mouth. As I start to nurse I feel the warm familiarity of her skin against mine and her arms around me provide me with a vivid sense of safety and protection.
After about 5 minutes mommy pulls away and tells me to get undressed for my bath. I do as I'm told and pull off all my clothes and choose some toys for my bath. I walk in the bathroom and mommy is naked and in the bathtub and tells me to climb in. "Yayyyy!" I scream. We don't take many baths together. Mommy plays with some of my toys with me for a little while. "OK baby boy it's time to get out now. I climb out of the tub and mommy drys me and brushes my hair and told me to go get out my favorite outfit and to get ready for a diaper that she would be back there in just a moment. I went to my room and picked out my teenage mutant ninja turtle onsie, and then layed down on my changing table and waited for mommy to get there.
She walks in my room and puts my diaper on me then my onsie. "Go pick out some juice for a bottle baby while I pack your diaper bag." She instructs
"Why mommy?"
"I told you on that note you would get a surprise for being such a good boy."
"I thought our bath together was my surprise."
"Nope!" She says with a proud smirk. I hope along to the kitchen and do as I'm told and pick out apple juice. Ideas race through my head as to what my surprise was gonna be.
Mommy comes in and makes me a bottle and puts it in .you diaper bag then she grabs my hand and I follow her to the car. I get in and she buckles me in then she walks around and gets in as soon as she closes the door I ask, "what's my surprise mommy?"
"I guess you won't let me hide it I'm taking you to get ice cream and then we're gonna go to the movie theatre and watch a movie."She sighs.
*skip ahead*
Once we get to the ice cream store I look at the menu and all the stuff on the counter. "Mommy I want one scoop of chocolate ice cream with a scoop of vanilla on top of it, then I was sprinkles and m&ms and oreo crumbs!!"
"Now now baby boy you can have one scoop of ice cream and only one topping."She warns
"Ughhhhhh, fine chocolate with oreo crumbs."
"Lose the attitude little boy, otherwise you won't get your other prize!"She warned.
"There's another surprise?" I shout in disbelief.
We leave the ice cream store and I'm making a mess as the ice cream melts down my fingers. But finally we get to the park and mommy comes over and wipes the ice cream off of me with some baby wipes and tells me that I'm allowed to play for a whole hour.
I'm extremely exhausted by the time I'm done playing that as soon as I get in the car I fall asleep. I don't remember getting home or going to bed but I slowly open my eyes and I'm laying in bed with mommy it's dark so I just pull up her shirt and start to nurse and drift happily back to sleep.

Sorry it took me so long I started my first job and with school it's just difficult I'll try to update more

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