The aftermath of those rumors were really hard, I dont joke there was one week where i was constantly asked "Did you ask Tegan out?" "Did you really ask Tegan to give you a 7 didgit?" And i tell you, by the end I wanted to kill "Tegan" for even spreading them, I mean i seriously thought she was nice, but 2 faces always strike i guess.
Well as you might guess, Those rumors did significantly ruin my reputation. I mean people did actually think i was some pedophile, For about 2 weeks people were avoiding me like i was gonna rape em or something, And i thought the bullying was going to start again, For a little while it did, But we will get to that part next chapter.
The thing that gets me through all this? The rumors, the bullying, name calling, hate. = Rap. Rap is my second life almost, and i do hope to get into the industry one day full time. But back on the point, The thing that made me not kill "Tegan" ultimatly (other then the fact that it would ruin my rep more and shed be lauging her head off) was rap, Emin3m espically. My "friends" (I honestly don't even know the meaning of friends anymore) Were telling me not to worry about her, that she is just a worthless peice of trash if she does this shit to you, Well, I do worry. Because shit like this makes my life harder, and yes, she should pay for it, She should have her life ruined exactly like mine was when she did this shit to me,
But no, shes the one with all the friends, all the respect, and the capability to inevibitly "bully" someone. And im just the one whos been left behind with it all.