The Ceremony

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Assa banged her heels impatiently against the stone wall she was sitting on. It was orientation, all the children who were old enough were being assigned their tasks for the year.

She was a year behind. Her small stature made her useless to the giants, and she couldn't take on any physical labour. Assa looked around for Tantus, wondering where he was. His dark curls usually stood out against the blondes and greys of the other younglings, but today they were nowhere to be found. This was his favourite day of the year.

A door opened at the side of the room. A tall dark haired giant stepped through, followed by two ginger haired children and Tantus. The man was big for even giant standards, but narrow and weathered. His green eyes probed the room of orphans, hawklike in their intensity. They paused on Assa.

"Get down, young lady. That is no way to act in the presence of your betters." His voice was calm, but possessed a booming quality that made her instantly obey. There was no change of emotion on his face as he stalked across the room. The three children with him followed quickly and quietly, with Tantus bringing up the rear and standing at attention at his side.

"We are here today to find you all a place in our society." His voice echoed around the small room. "As orphans and foundlings, you owe your life to our society, and in return you have the pleasure to serve it. There are many jobs, but not all of you are skilled enough to be blessed with a position."

His eyes settled on Assa. "If you fail to be worthy of a working position, you will remain here as servents until you are of age."

The tall man clapped his hands and pulled out a list. "Now! To begin our proceedings."

Assa figeted nervously. She knew she was small and useless for labor, too short to reach the counters for cooking. She could only hope for an opening in the infirmary, but even then she couldn't lift injured limbs or carry too many supplies.

The man began rattling off his list. "The Pottersons need to train a new gardener, they are looking for rather short children so the kneeling isn't a strain on their back." A few boys and a girl moved to the front, and the man examined them quickly before pulling one of the boys to the side.

"Makerson is looking for an apprentice, he has no children of his own. He requests someone with strong arms." More children went up, one got pulled aside. He continued down his list, picking and choosing children as he went.

Assa leaned bored against the wall. None if the jobs were suitable for her, and as the numbers dwindled, so did her chances of escaping the orphanage before she was of age.

"Last but not least, Mirshkadotter is looking for a childminder. She requests female children." The man stood straight and examined the orphans. Assa was the only girl in the crowd. She perked up and rushed to the front, staring up at the man. The hight difference was much more noticeable now. Assa only came up to his thigh.

The man stared down at her, his eyes sharp and critical. Assa stared back, trying to keep her gaze steady. The man's green eyes stayed unchanging as he gripped her shoulder and pulled her to his side. The ginger children stared openly at her and Tantus smiled. Assa looked up at the man, confused, but he was already back to wrapping up the ceremony.

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