Severus's question

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"Xenophilius lovegood "shouted professor Mcgonagall
"Yes  I see ...RAVENCLAW "roared the shorting hat
"Ravenclaw I bet he's a lunatic ah Sirius "commanded James
"Yeah "Sirius replied
"Well well the brats are here "said a soft girls voice
"Evans ,what a pleasant surprise "noticed James
"I see you haven't changed over the summer "said Lily
"I see you have "james murmured
"What was that about ?"asked Lily
"You know your talking to me" continued James
"Shut up"
And left the hall
"What the -"James "every year she storms out what all that about ?"
"Maybe its because she can't stand to be around two idiotic brats like you "Molly intruded
"Oh i hello and you are ?"James asked
"Molly prewette ,idiot in your partner in transfiguration "
"Oh yeah "James realised
"And if you don't mind entertaining yourself for a while I can't stand your annoying blabbering so I'm leaving "
The weeks rolled  by and the days turned into the Christmas weeks
"Molly , kiara  look there's going to be a Christmas party we can dress up "
"I know guess who asked me ?"kiara  questioned
"Who "Lily pcontinued
"Amos digory"she answered
"Did I here Amos digory and mivinera Mcgonagall "asked Sarah bilmore
"Yeah he asked me to the dance "squeaked kiara
Suddenly a tall ,freckly ,red-headed boy approached them
"H-hello m-Molly "said the boy
"Hi a-Arthur how nice t-to see you "she replied
"Nice to s-see you to I-I wonder ifyouwanttogotothedancewith me "Arthur staggered
"Pardon ?"she asked
"D-do you want to go to the dance with me?"he repeated
"Of course "she answered as she ran towards him and flung her arms around his neck and pecked him on the cheek
He turned scarlet and walked off
"What just happened "Lily gapped
"I-I don't know "she staggered
The laughed and joked all the way back to the common room .Lily was on her way to bed when she heard a  bang down stairs .she grabbed her wand and cast the spell lumos and walked down the stairs ;somebody was there she could see it ...suddenly the lights switched on
"Merlins beard ,who are you "
There was a girl stood there with dark skin and black hair
"Sorry to disturb you miss ,Evans I'm kasandra Johnson -head girl -professor Mcgonagall is looking for you "
"Thank you kasandra ,could you please show me the way  "Lily  asked
"Of corse "they walked out and headed to the office
"Professor,here is Lily Evans "
"Excellent Mrs Johnson ,10 points to Gryffindor ,now off to bed Mrs Johnson "
She walked out the door and disappeared
"Now miss Evans I need you to know  at 8pm this evening I received a owl from your mother and farther "
"Are my parents ok"she said with a worried tone in her voice
"Yes they are fine it's your grandfather "she corrected
"What happened to my grandad miss "
"In so unfortunate to tell you  ,you grandfather had passed away "
The news she had heard Broke her down she fell to her knees ,tears swimming in her eyes.after that the days passed like it was one long one day altogether. She was strolling the corridor when she bumped into serverus snape
"Hey Lily ,I was wandering wether -as you know the Christmas dance is soon -I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me "
"I'm so sorry sev but on that day it's I'm going to my grandfathers funeral "
"Lil I'm so sorry i didn't know I'm so sorry "he apologised "I'm going to the library "
He left

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