/Chapter two-Dont get too close (part 1)/

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I love you guys >:3
You awake to see golden flowers...everywhere but there was one with a eye?
"Don't get to close" it whispered
"What does that mean?" You asked whipping your tears away
No reply
You shrug it off and continue walking...till you see your in a purple dress
You never wore this dress in a long time. Wonder why your wearing it now but
You shrug it off
Then you bump into a damp and faint purple dress and you look up to see a goat lady "oh company! Yay!" She smiled and you smiled back
She brought you too a place called 'The Ruins'
And she said her name was 'Toriel'
"You look hungry, hmm do you like snails?"
"Well i do prefer cinnamon" you said trying not to make her mad
"Oh and do you like butterscotch?" She asked kneeling down to your level
"Yes! Im ok with butterscotch"
"Well then ill go make a Butterscotch-cinnamon pie!"
"Sounds great!" You smiled gleefully
"Run away" the flower popped up again
And you hesitated but took the advice "Downstairs" it whispered
You looked confused that a exit is in a basement but you
Shrugged it off
And went downstairs and walked to a giant door
"Great" The flower whispers
"My child, where are you going?" A voice came from behind you
You quickly turned around to see the innocent eyes of Toriel
"Child, please stay" she said tears rolling down her cheeks
"I-i don't wanna be alone anymore"
She said walking towards you
"I must return home!" You said strongly but inside you were dying
"Child please, its not safe" no shit toriel XD
She said with two fireballs forming in her hands
"Child, prove to me" she said crying and swiping her hand making a row of fireballs fly towards you
"Prove to me your strong enough to survive"
You dodged most of them except a good five
"Toriel...please I need to go home.." You said coughing after speech
"..i don't need to fight you, the door is locked and you and me are trapped"
She said
you got that one glow in you soul that motivated you to try
You pushed the door
Not opening
You pushed again
Not opening
This time Toriel tried with you
Not opening
You got mad and punched the door and Toriel still pushed
It finally opened "but all these years-" before she could finish you jumped and hugged her she flinched and moved back a few steps holding you in her arms While Ivy barked and ran in circles around Toriel
She smiled and spoke "child, promise me I wont be trapped here, promise me you'll come back for me"
"I cant promise you but ill try" you spoke
She smiled and you went out the door to see snow, snow everywhere

Ht sans pov (yay)
Just waiting and waiting...when the fuck is another human coming down here its lonely down here besides paps being there for me
...Oh! A human finally but she didn't have blood on her so she didn't kill Toriel...she looks nice SANS NO its how it goes she kills Toriel then comes to me, excepts my offer then dies, stupid resets messing with me!

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