Comfort(Bonnie x [Bullied][Teen] Reader)

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Warning: This story contains curse words and violent scenes. Viewer Discretion is advised.

    Your life isn't that good. You have loving parents and friends that would support you, but when you're alone, it isn't pretty. You weren't exactly the most confident of girls, so that made you a prime target for high school bullies. At first you tried ignoring them, but it got you to the point of breaking down. When you told your friends, they said you needed a change of scenery.

    Since you'd be out of school soon, your friends recommended you to a job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Surprisingly, you never went there when you were young, simply content with the classic stay-home parties, but you enjoyed them either way. The job opening was for someone to help maintain the animatronics. This mostly involved keeping them clean and applying oil to their joints. What fascinated you was that the animatronics were made with advanced technology, so they could eat, interact, and feel as if they were human!

    The job was actually quite fun. You did have to stay after hours sometimes, but you enjoyed the animatronics' company. They all seemed really nice and were a welcome change to the "usual" routine at school. You particularly liked Bonnie the most. There was a charm to him that you grew to like alot. He almost seemed like a brother..except he was a bunny.

However, good things seldom last long.


    Your day was going pretty well, for the most part. There were a few small hiccups, but they were minor. Right now you're in the humongus cafeteria with your friend (f/n). It was a bit crowded considering there seats for about 40-50 students, but luckily you could hear each other. (F/n) took note of your change in demeanor.

"You've been a totally different person lately, (y/n).", she said with a smile, "I guess working with the animatronics really helped!"

"Yeah, I guess it does.", you said, smiling a bit, "It's wierd, though. Even though they're robots, I feel like I know them as if they were human. They have this charm to them that makes them fun to be with sometimes."

(F/n) smiled, "Well, they are made to act as if they're human."

You both giggled at that. It may have only been their programming, but you saw it as something more.

    After lunch, you both went your seperate ways to your next class. As you went through the hallway, you couldn't help but keep thinking about the animatronics. Was it just their programming,or was it more than that? As much as you enjoyed them, you sometimes felt the need to question it. You didn't want to ask the animatronics because of how they might react. Would they be angry? Sad?Resentful? You shook the thoughts out of your head and continued on your way...

    Only to be forcibly pushed to the ground. You looked up to see (b/n), in all of her mighty-bitch glory. Not only that, but she had her goons with her. Her blonde hair lay on her shoulder as she put a hand on her hip. You really didn't like her. Not only was she the reason you were quiet most of the time, but she kept messing with you even after your mood brightened up! You were lucky enough to ignore her, though most of it got you mad.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I couldn't tell you and the air apart.", she said with that smug look on her face. You really didn't want to deal with her right now, so you decided to just get back up and walk past her with a small comeback.

"The feeling's mutual. I honestly don't know if you're a girl or a cow."

    You really should've chosen your words more carefully. As soon as that exited your lips your vision was suddenly making out with the wall. You could feel your hair being gripped tightly, making you grunt in pain.

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