Ch. 4.) Checking Out The House

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As I was skateboarding my way from school, I noticed some guys my age, looking at the house next door. I got excited, hoping they would move into it. I mean who wouldn't wanna live next to 5 hot guys? I pulled up in my driveway and I saw them all staring at me like they were looking me down, when one of them, looked over and winked. After I got inside I set my stuff down, I looked out my window and I saw them talking to eachother, when I noticed 2 of them,I already knew. Niall and Zayn. I overheard them saying,"We should buy it! It comes with a fit neighbor!" As soon as I heard that, My cheecks were heating up. I noticed both Niall and Zayn looked frustrated and...kinda angry. What was wrong? Did they not want to move in the house? I was really hoping they would move in and we could all be friends. Maybe even get to know someone for once. After they were done talking, they all walked in to look. The house was always huge and beautiful. They might like it! I hope they do, It would be nice to have neighbors that don't have weird animals and really annoying owners... I called Morgan and thank god she answered.

"Hello? Oh hey, Jordan!"

I was really excited to tell her,"I'm at home and about 5 hot guys are checking out the house next door!"

She didn't answer for a mintue, then said,"Umm, what did they look like?"

"Umm, if I remember correctly, one of them was that Zayn guy that talked to me at lunch..."


"ANND... I know one of the others, too. I ran into him yesterday when I left early."

"So you atleast know 2 of them??I think thats a good thing, because it might make them want to move into the house!"

"Well, I sure hope so, if that's what it takes to have nice neighbors, and hot guys at that."

I could hear her laughing at the other end of the line."Well, I have to go now, tons of homework." She said she would text me and we hung up.

After I was done with my homework, I texted her, tellnig her about how I met Niall.

"Looks like he as a bit surprised, huh? :p"

I laughed at the thought of the face he made when he saw me riding my skateboard through the hallways."Ya, it was really funny. I'm still laughing, thinking of the face he made. lol"

 She said,"Oh, I forgot to tell you about something!"

"Okay, what is it??" Whenever she doesn't tell me, it normally ment something along the lines of bad news...

"Oh, Do you know that boyband, called One Direction, all the girls talk about now?"

"Yeah... What about them?"

"Well, someone said it in the hallways that they supposedly were moving into town!"

I think that was the band with 5 boys, wasn't it? "I have a feeling what you're trying to tell me is that I could possibly be living nextdoor to them, huh?"

She kinda sounded excited about all this... Weird because she was never into any pop music..."That's exactly what I am saying!"

"You're not switching on me, are you?" She sounded hesitant to answer me...I didn't think this would ever happen. 

"Okay, so maybe a little, but it's not like I'm gonna change and start hating you!"

"I know, I was just kidding! Gotchya!"I laughed and I heard her breathe a sigh of relief.

"So anyways, I think they probably will choose that house. When we moved into ours, the other house  we looked at were not very big and they weren't worth it."She knew; she moved about last year.

"I guess I know how it is. When we moved, It took forever to fnd a desent house and to add to it was even more explensive. I'm really curious if they will actually move in. But it looks like we are gonna have to wait; moving into a huge house takes months sometimes."

"Yeah, I know that feeling."She sounded excited and I know I was.

What she said next was sure to surprise me.

"You should Go talk to them and tell them a little about the neighborhood and stuff. I mean you already know 2 of them..." 

I thought this was a good idea, but did I want to do it?? "Maybe I can wait until they come outside and THEN I will say something." Was I nervous?

"Okay, but you have to do it."

"Ya know, I have Zayn's number, I could text him..."

"That's a good idea. Do it!"

"Oh all right." I pulled my phone out and shot him a text.

ME: So i noticed you checkin out the house next door. u like? :)

ZAYN: yeah, it's huge! is urs?

ME: i would say so. maybe u can see sometime ;) lol

ZAYN: that sounds like some fun ;) so u wanna show me around this house?

ME: well it looks like i will b over in a minute then :)

I texted Morgan and told her that I was going over. 


I knocked on the door and Niall let me in. "Hey, Niall."

He looked confused for a minute so I explained what I was doing here and how I live next door and he looked angry at first, but he looked excited when I told him the last part.

We walked in and I started to show them around with  what I knew. The tour man looked frustrated with me, since I knew a bit more than he did it seemed since he couldn't really explain much about the house.

Zayn walked up to me and said,"So what do you think about the house? I mean this house, not our, not that your house isn't a nice one..." He was stuttering, and I could see him blushing badly.

I decided to help him a bit. "Well, the old lady who lived here before was the total opposite of the house; this house is soo beautiful." He chuckled at my comment and we started to catch up to the others.

Zayn went to talk to someone else so I walked up to Niall."Hey, so how do you like the house?" He took a moment and asked,"How do you know Zayn?" What?

"Oh, I met him at lunch and we swapped numbers." He seemesd agrivated; was he jealous?? He looked like a lost puppy.

He said,"Oh, I...was...just curious." 

"Okay, so anyways what do you think of the house? Do you guys want to move into it?"

"I really like it, but I don't know about the other guys. There's definately enough space for us all I think. We all get our own rooms, at the least. I love it. Hope everyone does, too."

I guess that's a good way to put it. Let me see your phone real quick." He handed me his phone and I put my number in and sent myself a message. I gave his phone back and showed him the new contact in his phone.

"Oh cool. Did you get my number?" "Yep, I sent myself a message from your phone. Well, I should get going, I have to finish my spanish."

"maybe I could help later, I speak spanish fluently."

"So I've heard. My friend knows a bit about your band. She's a bit more glitter and gossip than I am."

He chuckled and said,"I can tell. You look nowhere close to what she must be."

"Yeah, I don't really know how we get along sometimes." I couldn't help but smile. We've been friends ever since we were little kids running around in diapers.

"Well, I guess I will see you around then."

"Hope so. Dad's gonna probably kill me if I don't get my homework done, so see ya later!"

"Txt me!"  "Will do!" With that, I walked back into my house and into my room to study. I pulled everything out of my bookbag and got going.

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