ch. 5.) Shopping for a Party

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I was sitting in the secret hidout, playing Tekken on my PS3, when Morgan texted me. I looked at the mesage and she was asking to hang out at the mall.

That meant one thing: 

Morgan is in the mood for shopping...I texted her back, telling her that I would meet her at the mall in about 15 minutes. I grabbed my wallet, leather jacket, and I put on my boots and headed out with my phone and keys in hand.

I walked up to the doors and soon enough, I saw her sitting on a bench nearbye and I asked her what she was looking to shop for. She said,"Well, I was thinking on throwing a party and inviting the neighborhood newbies,"she made air quotes and wiggling her eyebrows. I luaghed t her remark and Agreed I would go."So what kind of party are you thinking of throwing? Like a party with alchohol, or the party where we eat junk food and play games and movies?" She took a moment and said,"Well, I didn't really plan it out, so what kind do you THINK we should do?" I thought this was funny. She knows I don't wear dresses(which she would probably make me wear if we chose #1...),so I chose the second option but with a pack of budweiser."So where are you planning on having the party? My house or yours?" I already knew the answer to this question..."Totally at your house! Your house is AWESOME!" She said, making hand motions.

She always loved the fact that my dad knew how a house should have some kind of game room."And I bet Dad would be absolutely fine with the beer." My dad was cool and knew what it was like to be a teen, and considering I was turning 18 in the next month. He thought I was atually aloud to have some fun, as long as it didn't get me into serious trouble.

"So how many people are you plannig to invite to this party?" "Oh, maybe just a few. You, me, and the boys. I wasn't thinking on inviting anyone else, but if I think of anyone else, I'll tell you, K?" We started to walk around the mall buying supplies, when Morgan wanted to stop at a store for the shoes in the wondow. They were allstar hightops that went up to her knees. They looked pretty cool, so I got a pair of black and purple ones, and Morgan got a pair of noen yellow and green. 

After we had everythong, we made our ways to our cars and packed everything in. I had grabbed a bunch of snacks, candy, and chips and tons of things to snack on for later, so I pulled out some combos.

She came over and we were discussing when we would have the party, since today is Thursday.

"I think we should have it tomorrow night or maybe Saturday."She had a point. "I think we should have it on Saturday so we have all day to do stuff. Like woop asses at Tekken!" That was both of our favorite games ever. "Ya! Tekken sounds sooo fun right now!" 

Two hours later, I was jumping up and chanting that I won and Morgan was pouting and claiming me of cheating."I WON! I TOLD YOU I WOULD WOOP YOUR ASS!" She looked frustrated,"Hey! That wasn't FAIR! YOU CHEEZED!" "I DID NOT! You know I hate that!" She was soo frustated with me, so we decided on doing something else. We went into the arcade room where we had tons of games like Pacman, Streetfighter, Donkey Kong, and tons of shooting games.


After Morgan left, having to do some errands, I decided to take Jazz for a walk around town. I grabbed her leash and when she noticed, she got very excited. We walked outside and I took her down to the dog park.

I unhooked her leash, trusting her to stay here. I grabbed a stick and tossed it. She galloped after it, bringing it back, panting. She dropped it at my feet and I tossed it back and forth for a while. She dropped the stick and sat down for a well deserved break. I looked in my pouch and pulled out her small water bowl and a bottle of water.

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