The Letter

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I wake up to the suns rays peeking through my (f/c) curtains; laying there I watch the golden, pink, and orange arrays of light rise above the peaks of the mountains. I smile to myself realizing what today is, I'll be going to a hidden place called Diagon Alley.
I remember it as if it were yesterday, when a wise looking man in a light blue and silver robe, showed up on my birthday and told my adoptive parents that I'm a Witch and will be attending Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My parents were thrilled and said they always knew I had something special about me. The man, known as Professor Dumbledore, told me that my birth parents had both been to the school and my blood status was Pureblood, summing up to how I'm a witch. I was thrilled with this news, I had always been able to do things others couldn't, and I had always thought that made me an outcast; but now I fully understand it and I'm ready for my new life. I slowly get out of bed because, well it's 5:30am and when have I ever woken up this early, brush my teeth, run a brush through my (h/c) hair, and pull on a pair of black pants and a t-shirt. I'm too excited to worry about wardrobe, I rather burn to death then never get my school supplies; 'wow never thought I'd say that' I think to myself.I rush downstairs and grab the letter on the fridge to make sure this isn't a dream. I read it over and over until it's memorized, I smile bigger each time my eyes run across "Hogwarts" or "Magic" and sigh, so this is really real.
I grab my purse hanging on the chair and tuck the supply list next to a pouch that contains wizard money my dad had gotten earlier this week from a bank called Gringotts.
I think of all the extra books and objects I'd like to get, a Quidditch broom, wizarding candy, prank items from Zonko's Joke shop, and an owl. Mum had told me about these items and stores she found out about in the pamphlet she apparently got from Dumbledore called "Surprise your child is Magical!" The names pretty straight forward,but apparently explained everything about where I'll get my magical supplies, what I'll be learning, where I'll go to school, and all about the wizarding world. I just hope I can make some friends, I'm not too good with people, I just spend my summer days inside reading, and same goes for fall, winter, and spring. I make some cereal and toast and anxiously wait for my parents to wake up.

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