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When the train stops, we head off towards a dock aligned with multiple boats waiting to be filled up with first years.
"Hello Hagrid!" Harry calls to a giant man with a scruff beard.
" 'ello 'arry!" The man named Hagrid says. Harry, Ron, and Hermione hop into a boat with Hagrid, due to limited room I choose to hop in with two twins and another girl.
"Nice to meet you I'm Lavender, Lavender Brown, and this is Parvati and Padma Patil."
"Nice to meet you I'm Azalea, Y/N Azalea," I reply with a nice smile. The boat gives a jolt, and soon the one I'm in, and all others surrounding, start to drift across the lake to a big glowing castle, 'my new home'.
"It's even more beautiful than the picture in "Hogwarts: a History" " I hear Hermione up ahead.
"Isn't it beautiful, I hear there's ghosts inside!" Exclaims Parvati.
"It's magnificent!" I proclaim. 
"Do you think they'll teach us to fly a broom soon?" Lavender asks excitedly. Although, before myself or the twins can reply, a plump boy in a boat next to us exclaims,
" Oi! Trevor! I've found you! I've found my toad! Yes!"
"Who do you reckon that is?"
"Oh, that's Neville Longbottom, nothing exciting, nothing special, he's nice enough," replies Padma.
I hear snickering over to the right and of course I see Malfoy and his two goons. Catching his eye with my super-human glare, stops laughing and smirks, so with that I intensify my glare into the ultimate death glare, and I'm surprised he's not in hell yet, honestly! He starts glaring back, but he breaks away first, proves him right!
"What was that?" Lavender says smirking.
"Ew! Never, ever, EVER! I was just trying to make him disappear, well something like that."
"What with your mind?" Parvati, says waving her hands around her head.
"Yes, exactly," I say as we all giggle. (A/n I don't know man your 12)
Then before I know it, we're exiting the boats.
"First years, follow me!" Says a woman that demands attention and had a nice, but solid and stern look about her. "I'm Professor Mcgonagoll and if you'll follow me to the Great Hall it's time for the Choosing Ceremony."  We follow her into a big room, lined with four tables, one for each house. The ceiling is a striking image of the night sky, and hundreds of thousands candles float in the air. I scan Gryffindor table for Fred and George, finally I spot them and they give me a reassuring thumbs up.

So I hope you enjoyed this, whoever reads this anyways. I haven't updated in months because of school, so I might post another chapter later today if I have time. I hope you don't mind that your friends with Lavender and the Patil twins since I didn't want Y/N to only have the golden trio as friends. Hopefully you enjoyed this filler chapter!

The Boy On The Train (DracoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now