Diagon Ally

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By the time my parents wake up and eat breakfast were off to Diagon Ally. The whole situation is amazing a whole other world hidden right before our eyes it's so beautiful, shops all along the road, wizards and witches alike in different colored robes, things unimaginable happening right before my eyes.
" Look! That picture is moving! Oh! It's a poster of a quidditch team!" I exclaim pointing to a picture of wizards and witches zooming in and out of the frame on brooms.
"That's extraordinary! Shall we look around and then get some school supplies?" My mother questions.
" Or if you like you can come with us to get your robes and wand, and then we'll pick up the rest while you look around?" My father suggests.
" Sure lets do that!" I say excitedly.
"Off to Olivander's we go!" My Father exclaims.
We walk past a series of shops until we enter one that has shelves and shelves of boxes.
"Oh hello, I'm Mr. Olivander, will you be looking for a wand today?"
"Oh yes please, I'm Y/N, Y/N shsb."
"Nice to meet you shall we get started."
After about ten wands I give one a swish and a wind comes out of no where.
" Excellent," Mr. Olivander exclaims," this wands  (your wand type) I believe that is the quickest time I've ever sold a wand!"
After my wand was paid for and I got my robes I parted from my parents promising I'll meet them back here in an hour, and yes I won't get in trouble. Then I rush off to the nearest broom shop.
Inside kids are surrounding around a broomstick which appears to have just come out.
"What kind of broom is it?" I ask a boy with extraordinarily messy hair next to me.
"A Nimbus 2000, I believe" says the boy
" are you new here too?" I ask seeing his muggle clothes.
"Oh yes, I'm Harry, Harry Potter." He says holding out his hand.
"Y/N, Y/N Azalea " I say shaking his hand he smiles.
" 'arry yeh in 'ere?" Says someone by the door.
"Coming Hagrid," Harry says," sorry I have to go, see you on the train!"
"See you on the train!" That was easy, I'm not even at Hogwarts and I've already made a friend! After looking around the shop, I decide to head to Zonko's.
Not sure where it is, I keep walking. Soon, two red heads are in front of me that look just about two years older and I catch snipets of their conversation like, "Prank" "Joke" and then "Zonko's!" "Excuse me?" I ask tapping one of their shoulders, they turn around and I'm met with the striking image of two of the same exact people.
"Yes?" They reply at the same time.
"Oh, well I was wondering where Zonko's Joke shop was and I had heard you talking.. So.."
" We were just heading there now! Oh I'm George, George Weasley"
" And I'm Fred Weasley" the other twin says cutting in " Ya see we're quite talented at pranks and jokes."
" Oh that's cool! I'm Y/N Azalea. I love doing pranks too! I just never really had any one to prank..." Nice Y/N just great gotta add that in.
" Really?!" They say at the same time.
"Well we'll teach ya all you need to know we know lots of people you can prank! Right George?"
" Oh yes, just wait! You'll be like our apprentice! Our brother is in your year too, so now it'll be even easier to prank him!"
"That's fantastic I'm in!" I say in between laughs," shall we go?"
The Weasley twins lead me there cracking jokes along the way causing my sides to ache. When we reach Zonko's Fred and George grab both my arms and pull me inside. Before I know it they're explaining what all the items and gadgets do, soon my heads hurts from laughing and all this information.
"It's our treat you choose something and we'll get it for you!" Fred says.
" Oh no! You don't have to do that!"
" We insist Y/N come on!" George says
"We know you want to!"
"Ugh! Okay fine but I'm paying you back!"
"Not if we stun you and run away before you even can think about it!" Fred says
"But we can't make promises we might also take your wallet in the process" George says winking.
" Oh shut up you two you'd never!" I say laughing uncontrollably.

The Boy On The Train (DracoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now