Chapter two

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"Alexia!" Mrs. Lee shout down stairs.

I hide my face in my pillow.

"I need you sweetie!" She yells again.

Okay, it's only been few days... why do I always need to serve the first customers in my pyj? Because she needs me... I get up of my bed, remake my ponytail and go down stairs half asleep.

"Just there sweatheart. Can you serve them and I'll serve the others?" Mrs. Lee asks worry.

I sigh but nod. She's such a warm person, you can't say no to that old lady. I put my glasses and go to the table while yawning. There are guys, ugh, great morning.

"Hi. What can I serve you?" I ask in my 'I don't give a shit' voice.

"Did you just get out of bed?" Ask one boy.

I shoot him a glare waiting their stupids answers. A guy lifts his head up from the menu and smiles at her. Like that smile that all girl melt in front... I can't help but give him a wannabe smile. My heart beats too fast.

"Alexia!" Mrs. Lee calls me.

I roll my eyes.

"I'll come back."

I go see mrs. Lee who's laughing with somebody. I approach, suspicious. With who is she?

"Mrs. Lee?" I ask.

She turns to me with a big smile and I frown my eyebrows. Mrs. Lee takes my hand and pats it.

"You know that handsome guy I told you about?"


"What guy??" I ask back confuse.

She giggles. Why do I think she's in something that I ignore about? Mrs. Lee takes me to the 'somebody' that she was talking with. He turns... oh shit. Oh crap. Not him. I'm dreaming, yeah, I'm having a nightmare... Okay, a beautiful nightmare. I freeze in front of Luhan. Mrs. Lee doesn't stop for me. She goes to him and puts a hand on his shoulder. The old lady whispers something in his hear that makes him smile.

"Hi Alex. Remember me??" Luhan asks happy.

I decide to lie. I frown my eyebrows and put on a confuse face.

"No, I'm sorry. I have to work now." I say before turning my heels.

Luhan grabs my fist and turns me. He laughs in a nervous smile.

"Oh come on Alex!!" Luhan says. "You told me to call you like that! I save your ass at the airport!"

I clench my fists. I hate when people call me like that. the last person... the last person...

"I was jet lag for sure. Don't call me like that, stupid." I say my eyes full tears.

He loses his smile.

"I'm sorry, I just want to be friends with you..." Luhan apologizes.

I frown my eyebrows curious. Why someone would be friends with me?? Especially, a idol wich is Luhan right now. It's too weird.

"Yes!! She will, I promise you pretty boy." Mrs. Lee shouts from nowhere.

She appears by my side and I startle. What the...? I'm in my pyjama at 8 in the morning, my hair is everywhere and I'm sure that I'm the sexiest girl in the world right now.

"Yeah, yeah. You can go with her. Give Alexia 10 minutes." Says mrs. Lee.

Woh, I think I skip something. I stare at mrs. Lee who puts a wrinkled hand on my arm.

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