Come Out And Play

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Song Of The Chapter: Daydream by Ruelle (honestly her music is perfect)



-Cameron (logan) performed the spell which Vanessa, Andrew, and Elena think destroyed Emmett but it actually teleported him over to Lucas

-Elena happened to meet Krystal in the forest while she was looking for Cameron (logan), Krystal told her that Cameron is actually logan but Elena didn't believe her fully.

Andrew's POV

The sun was soon to set. Outside, standing on the patio was Elena, Vanessa and I. Inside, in the living room specifically, Cameron was performing the spell to finally eliminate Emmett. The spell that can return peace to our lives.

The three of us watched Cameron through the large glass window beside the glass door. The living room was only illuminated with the light from the sun and the candles lit inside.

Cameron chanted, inaudible even when I tried to strain my vampire powers. His hands were open wide and they would occasionally move up and down.

The candles suddenly extinguished; a sign that the spell has come to an end. I switched glances with Elena, wondering whether we should go inside. Vanessa was watching Cameron closely, I followed her gaze and noticed he was holding something in his hands.

Since his back was towards us, we couldn't see what. Cameron then turned around, facing us...empty-handed. He simply nodded.

Vanessa was first to get up and run to the glass door.

Elena walked over beside me and held my hand. We, then, together walked inside.

"How are you?" Vanessa asked, holding both of Cameron's hands with both of hers.

Cameron stumbled. "Just used up a lot of energy." He could barely open his eyes. Vanessa's eyes were full of worry. She smiled, hiding her feelings, and said, "Why don't you go to bed and I'll make you some coffee?"

He weakly nodded. I quickly walked over to Cameron's side and helped him walk to his room, which thank god was on the same floor as the living room.

Lucas's POV

I stood in the back room, waiting for some sort of sign from Logan. The room was a square and i purposely had the door removed magically. It would only be me and him.

I walked around, fiddling with a piece of string in my hand. What if Logan messed up? What if the other three morons found out about Logan...

Stop worrying! Logan is mature enough to get out of a situation like that. Even though he may not be as powerful as the hybrid he was before, he has magical abilities. He's going to be fine.

Standing in the corner of the room, I noticed something spark in the opposite corner.

I gingerly walked over to the sparking object. It was a piece of paper on fire. I picked it up instantly, disregarding the slight burning sensation, and tried putting the flame out. On the paper were only three very small sentences.

Success Achieved.

Initiate Plan.

Update Soon.

I breathed out. Logan had transferred the curse onto me, meaning Emmett is in this very room with me.

"Come out come out wherever you are" I piped.

Oh boy...this is going to be SO much fun. (Note Sarcasm)

Vanessa POV

I sat down relieved that Emmett was finally gone. He was out of my life forever. Elena, looking a bit worried, sat down beside me.

"Vanessa, um...I need to talk to you.." she gulped "about Cameron."

I nodded. "Sure!" Smiling, I agreed to hear what troubled her.

"Okay..." She exhaled, her eyes wandering around as if she didn't know how to begin.

"It's alright Elena. You can talk to me about anything" I comforted

She forced a smile. "Have anything about Cameron?" Elena paused. "Anything unusual?"

"No. He's been a gentlemen to me. Always loving me and kissing me and it makes me so happy to know that he cares for me." I chuckled "Sometimes I think it all might be too good to be true"

"But don't you think..i don't know, that all of this was too....sudden?"

Confused, I looked at Elena who was clearly having trouble announcing whatever she wanted to announce.

"Um..what do you mean?" I tried to stay positive but in a way, i felt Elena was questioning Cameron's love for me.

"Well...Cameron had never noticed your love until recently. He...well he kind of didn't look at you that before BUT" she quickly added " he never leaves his hands off you."

"Okay...but how is this unusual? This is what I wanted...what, at least I thought, you wanted for me." This was unbelievable. I finally was in a happy place was Cameron, who loved me and wasn't afraid to show me that.

"I do! I swear, I want the best for you! It's just that," She exhaled deeply, "I've noticed quite a few things about Cameron lately

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"I do! I swear, I want the best for you! It's just that," She exhaled deeply, "I've noticed quite a few things about Cameron lately. He hasn't been himself."

I felt offended. Was this really Elena talking to me?

"Just cause Cameron is finally loving me, he hasn't been himself? This isn't him? " I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes. I got up and vamp sped to my room upstairs, ignoring Elena's calls behind me.

"Vanessa! Wait!"

Andrew's POV

I walked back from Cameron's room, only to see a very upset Elena, all alone.



"all alone"

Previous Book Title Reference!

i know i know this chapter is short but comment below as to what you think Zedd wanted with Emmett.

or whether Elena should meet Krystal or not

or if Vanessa is going to be able to look through her blind faith and love

ALSO, i think i might be returning the whole "previously on" recap things.

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