sleep over

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Your POV.
You wake up to another morning in your warm bed and a heavy pressure on your eyes. You try to open your eyes as you throw your self our of your bed with all your might. You walk to your closet and grab some cute clothes.

 You walk to your closet and grab some cute clothes

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There's your clothes:)

You slip on your skin jeans and throw on your shirt. Grab your brush off your desk and brush out your hair and but your beany on. You put on your small bracelet and necklace. You grab your glasses and walk into your bathroom as you take out your contacts you sister walks in. "Ugh you still trying to look pretty" she says as she rolls her eyes and let's put a deep irritated sigh. You look down thinking she's right I'm not pretty at all. You look up as you she your sister walk out and go down the stairs and hear her talk to your mom.

You look up at your self in the mirror and say to your self "show them what you got". You put your glasses on and you put on a scarf. You reach for some light makeup like some brown on your eyes and light pink on your lips and your all read or at lest your face is. You hurry down the stairs grab you shoes and put them on and tie up the laces. Your sister has already left because she rides the bus in the morning.

You get up from there and walk into the kitchen and smile at your mom. "Hello honey" your mom says as she pulls you in for a quick tight hug smiling. So you plaster on a little smile to and say "good morning mom". You grab a bowl of cereal and shovel it in your mouth while you jam to some of those good tunes. You mom hugs you carrying her bags and leaves for work and you see your Dada rush down stairs.

Your mom walks out yelling "love ya'll" and your dad quickly answers back "love you to honey" you smile at them and think about phil. Your dad smiles at you and hugs you putting a kiss on top of your head before he runs out the door to. You clean up and put your bowl away. You run and grab your bags as you head out the door well after you lock it.

Phil's POV.
"Ugh" he says waking up to his screaming sister and parents fighting. He wishes he could go down there and tell them to shut up but you know they would just turn on him. They always fighting why can't they just get along for once. Phil gets up grabs some black jeans and a flannel shirt. He walks in to his bathroom and takes a quick hot shower canceling all the noies from down stairs he closes his eyes and let's the hot water hit him.

After he washes his body and hair he jumps out and drys off. He straightens his hair and fixes his fringe. He takes out his contacts for once and puts on his glasses. He puts on his underwear and slides his tight black skiny jeans on. He looks at him self in the mirror and pulls on his shirt and says to him self "I hope she likes me"...he starts to think to him self that you already are so beautiful but he could never come close to you.

He looks at him self and sighs he walks out and walks down stairs. He looks to she his mom and dad already gone and his sister already stormed out the door pushing him down as she walks out spaming the door to. Phil sighs and thinks great lovely day. He grabs his back pack and runs out the door to school. He needs to get out of this hell.

(HS) LOVE MY BAD BOY (Phil + reader) Where stories live. Discover now