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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend broke  she is super amazing and she actually likes reading my silly books so thank you and in joy....

Phil's POV
"Hey can I ask you something"? In my head I was screaming no what did you just do your not ready and the other half was like just do it. Y/N looks over at me from were she is and says "sure" with her lovely smile. Phil feels like he's about to drop down the question in till his inner thoughts fill his head.

What if she says no, because I'm a "bad" boy..what if it's true..what if it's because I'm to scary or what if I hurt her I would never want to hurt Y/N...

Phil sighs and looks up with his beautiful smile and brilliant blue eyes. "Ummm Y/N will you gout out with me"? Phil sees your smile and he swears he can hear your wheels turning...

Your POV.
You think to yourself nor knowing if you heard what Phil said the right way. As you think you feel like your taking to long but your thoughts race around in your head.
Your thoughts
( just insert what ever you would be thinking here I thought this would give ya'll a little bit more freedom in this book)

You have decided your answer but should you just say it. Well if you just say YES because then he'll think your crazy. So you want to say it casually well if you can even pull that off. Then you just decide your just gonna go for it. You smile over at phil and say that one word that will change your entire life.


You say it with a smile then you see Phil's smile. As you both sit there looking like dorks with your silly smiles on ya'lls faces Phil looks at the time. It's 9:00 he really needs to get home. You say your good byes as awkwardly as you could and he walks out the door.

Phil's POV
So many thoughts ran around his head as he was walking in the dark street with the only thing that lights it are some street. He looked up at the stars still thinking about what happened. As he looks up a car drives by and the light shines on his face and he looks down at his feet and stop.

...."I need to go back"....

He feels his head turning as he thinks to go back but wants to move forward. He turns around not sure where to go.

...he takes off running to your house...

(HS) LOVE MY BAD BOY (Phil + reader) Where stories live. Discover now