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HOLY!!!! Ahem so basically we saw the luchables kabobales commercial while waiting for my brothers dentist to check his teeth and  so then my mom said " At least it wasn't as bad as the Quiznos commercial!" she said so me and my brother where curious so she looked it up on YouTube and she found the video and me and my brother where horrified by how ugly the rat was!! Then we started laughing and my brother just laid in the dentist chair frowning...so me and my dad gave him a hug. So yeeeeeah.  Also when it was my appointment I had this really nice doctor named Crystal and SHE WAS AMAZING!!!!  She was so nice to me and we had a lot in common like the same month and zodiac we are both creative. AND she got to do one of the props of one of Ariana Grandes music video which I thought was awesome!! So yeah I really liked my doctor!! But now my mouth is sore because I had a orthodontics appointment before my cleaning...they had to change my wires and add something...WELP THATS IT!!! no actually no one more thing... the person who did my cleaning not crystal she did my X-rays but the guy who did my cleaning he looked kind of like Alex Hirsch so that was cool!!

Sorry to traumatize you guys

Let Nyan cat sooth you

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