My life after Adoption...

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Chapter 1


I was 12 years old back then.I woke up one morning to find myself on a bed in a place i never knew.I asked for my parents and they told me they'll be back soon.I asked them where i was and they told me i was in some orphanage.Me?In an orphanage?But why?I never deserved to be in an orphanage.I had parents.I waited for about two days for my parents.But they never came.I asked them again where my parents were,again.But this time to a different person.He told me that they had been killed at some terrorist attack.No....They couldn't have.I have to see my parents.I never believed what they said.My parents couldn't be dead.I can't end up being an orphan...That day they took me to the hospital saying that they needed me to see something.I had hope that my parents were alive...But when i got there i saw two lifeless bodies covered with a white sheet till their necks.No....They couldn't be...But they were...The two lifeless bodies,in front of me were my parents...I wanted to cry...But i didn't..I stayed strong,holding my tears back...I told them i wanted to go home..But i had nowhere to go...I was homeless...An orphan...

*End of flashback*

I'm 17 now and i just agreed to get adopted.I can't stay here all my life..I needed a family...A loving mother...A father...A NEW life.But my friend Betty said that i would always get a good family and i deserved one,if i kept my hopes high.So i kept that hope in me.


Now to speak about Betty,she came here when she was 10.Her mom died while giving birth to her,and her dad had brought her up.One day,on the way back from school,they met with an accideny and her father was seriously injured.He was in a coma for about two weeks before he passed away.She's here since then.She's 16.Even her names on the adoption list on their website.But nobody had never adopted her yet...


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