Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Lizzie's POV


I ran up the stairs, skipping a few of them in excitement.Thank God I reached my room without breaking my neck!I opened the door which led to my room to find Betty sobbing and staring at a photo of us in her hands.



Betty:Uh....hi...I thought you were downstairs at the office...*sniff*

Lizzie:Why are you crying?

Betty:Me?I'm not crying...What makes you think I'm crying?

Lizzie:Because your nose is red,darling...Now tell me why your crying?

Betty:Fine...When I saw this photgraph, all of our memories together came back to me...I'm just gonna miss you sooo,sooo,sooo much....I feel like I'm never gonna get adopted....Look at you..Your getting adopted already...But me...That's a BIG question mark...

Lizzie:No its not....

Betty:Why do you say so?Your not gonna miss me?

Lizzie:Of course I'm gonna miss you....The thing is,even your getting adopted,silly!

Betty:Really?!You must be joking....AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!


She stood up and tackled me with a hug.


Lizzie:uh...*cough*..C-an-t  b-r-e-athe...

Betty:OOPS!My bad...But how do you know?

Lizzie:Mrs.Ranger told me herself....

Betty:Now your talking!OMG!OMG!I can't stop feeling exc-

????:Knock,Knock...Can I come in?



The door opened to reveal an annoyed-looking Ryan.


Lizzie:Yes...What do you want?

Ryan:I just came to ask if you needed any help...I think my job is done..My mom just told me to "ASK" you...Bye!

Lizzie:Wait!!You can't just leave like that,can you?Maybe I could do with some help...


I smirked at him.


Ryan:Why the hell do you think that I'm gonna help you?

Lizzie:Because you happen to be MY brother now...


Lizzie:Your my "YOUNGER" brother...So you are expected to do stuff for me...=P

Ryan:Sheesh..You think I'm gonna help you because your like 1 year elder than me? Pfft..In your dreams...


Lizzie:This is gonna be a long,long journey....*sigh*


Lizzie:I just said that your a pain in the ass...



Me and Betty chuckled at his foolishness...It took him some time to realize what I had said..




Ryan:You just ca-....Never mind...

Lizzie:Let us get on with the packing then...


Lizzie:You want me to call Samantha?


Lizzie:What?!You think I'm kidding?Ok then...SAMAN-

Ryan:Ok...Ok...I'll help you...I'll help you...


'This is gonna be fun...I think I'm gonna have a good time at Samantha's house...*evil laugh*',I thought.


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