I'd Lie (One Shot)

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"Faster, Allison! C'mon! Pick up your pace!" Cole hollered.

"Shut up! I'm tired!" I retorted in between pants.

My best friend Cole forced me to jog with him today. I didn't have a choice but to say yes since he always got his way with everything he wanted. Always.

He was such a fitness enthusiast and well, I was the total opposite. He was the total jock who loved working out and hitting the gym while I was the total lazy ass who loved to lounge on the couch and waste my time watching movies online.

"Can we take a break now? I'm tired. I think my scrawny legs are going to break anytime soon," I complained.

I heard him chuckle. "We haven't even reached 1 kilometer yet! You are so lazy, Ali."

Oh, and he still had the guts to make fun of me. That jerk.

I glared daggers at him as he laughed more and started to jog again.

"Cole! Wait up, will you!" I jogged more, trying my very best to catch up with him. Key word, trying.  I could never catch up with that idiot. He was too fast and too fit for his own good.


Cole and I walked the halls of our high school and as we were walking, I received numerous glares from people as we passed by them. I always felt small whenever they glared at me that way. I mean, what was wrong with Cole and me hanging out? He's my best friend. And it wasn't like I was a loser or anything. I was just an average teen girl who doesn't do so well with others socially. 

It's not my fault that my childhood best friend is the most popular jock in school.

Cole nudged me on my side. "Don't mind them. They're just jealous of me because I'm hanging out with the coolest girl in campus," he stated confidently with a wink.

I laughed. "You are such a liar, Cole Anderson!"

He laughed with me as he dangled his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah? But you love me."

I blushed. "Psh, yeah right. Dream on, dufus! Now, come on! We're going to be late!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him to our next class. I don't love him. That's for sure. But I think I'm starting to like my best friend.

I'm in deep shit. I can't like my best friend. I just can't.


It has been days since the day that I found out about my sudden attraction towards my best friend, Cole. I have been avoiding him ever since. Every time he asks to hang out with me, I'd make up a petty excuse and get away with it. I couldn't face him. I was too much of a coward to face him at the moment.

I realized that I had to distance myself from him so this attraction would fade away. But I guess the more I distanced myself from Cole, the more I felt the sudden urge to be near him. I've been missing him and he hasn't left my mind ever since.

I was currently in our first period classroom. I arrived school earlier than expected which makes me the first one to be in our classroom all alone. And I didn't mind. No one else was here so I decided to grab my notebook, scan my notes and study to get Cole out of my mind.

As I was studying, I didn't even realize my hand doodling the name of the one person I was trying so hard to forget – Cole.

That perfect four letter name sent shivers through my spine as I recalled his perfect features. Golden brown locks, mysterious grey eyes, and fit physique. He was definitely every girl's dream, alright. Including me, his supposed to be best friend who's avoiding him because she has a silly crush on him. I sighed out loud. I really am pathetic.

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