Wedding, Branded Blood Vow

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   Finally the day had come, the hour was late into the night and he stood in a mirror adjusting his necktie nervously; never in all of his marriages had he been this nervous on his wedding day.

"Here, take a hit to at least calm you." Enrick offered holding out his slit wrist, without hesitation he snatched the wrist and sinking his fangs in he took a wallop of a drink his nerves quickly relaxing, "Better?" he questioned.

"Yes, thank you Enrick..." he began then trailed off, "Look...Enrick..."

"I know Able, no need to lay it out for me, no matter how many times we fight I am always and forever your dearest friend." Enrick answered quickly interrupting him.

Straitening his neck tie one last time he headed out to the awaiting car that would take them to their venue, the wedding itself would be short, the reception would be held New Year's Day evening. The field was covered in snow, the tree branches heavy with it and the guest sat snuggled into their coats; not that his vampiric brothers and sisters needed coats. And as he had guessed the moon was full above them and the hour of midnight was nigh.

He stood nervously flexing and unflexing his fingers and shifting from foot to foot as the music began to play, then taking a deep breath he turned to see her. His breath caught in his chest and his preternatural heart stuttered to a stop as he saw her, she wore a Victorian ball gown in dusty rose and cream trimmed in gold. A white, fur trimmed cape adorned her shoulders the hood obscuring her face and her hands were hidden within a white fur hand muff; to him she had always been beautiful but this was really the icing on the cake he thought.

A well of emotion hit him and he had to quickly use his kerchief to wipe away the blood tears; he was surprised at himself as he had never cried at one of his weddings. As soon as she reached him she removed one hand from her hand muff and held it out to him; he excitedly took it glad to see she also wore gloves.

The priest immediately fell into the ceremony of binding their hands, rushing slightly. Finally as he finished up in the distance a church bell rang out the midnight hour.

"Do you Lord Able Leor take Arianna Victoria Fletcher to be your beloved wife?" the priest asked.

"For all eternity." He replied.

"Do you Arianna Victoria Fletcher take Lord Able Leor as your husband?"

"Indefinitely." She replied which made his heart stutter.

"Then at this blessed midnight hour I call thee man and wife, you may now kiss your bride."

Cupping her face he pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers tenderly, she was now his in every human way and nearly every vampiric way and soon she would bare his heir and finally after all his long years he would have everything he'd ever dreamed of and more.

The crowd dispersed and he quickly ushered her to the awaiting car to get her out of the cold. They had decided to opt out of a honeymoon but as soon as he got in their home he lit the fireplace for her and helped her out of her cloak then sat her down in front of the fire to warm up.

"Welcome home Mrs. Leor." He muttered as he sat down beside her and pulled her face to his for a deep kiss; she was his, "You are very nearly mine in every way possible mon amour." He whispered against her lips, "Shall we take a blood vow?" he mumbled then kissing down her neck he nipped it lightly.

"You are such an imp." She taunted, then smiling she shook her head yes.

Grabbing her hand he tugged her behind him up the stairs then down the hall to their bedroom, "Best get you out of that pretty dress first." He teased then with one hand yanked the corset strings causing them to come undone and the bodice to loosen; she took a deep breath.

Gently he made love to her until she lay seemingly beyond satiated with a smile upon her face. Kissing her gently he pulled her to him relishing as always in her warmth before sitting up and looking at her deeply.

"Our blood vowel?" he questioned, shaking her head she sat up and stared at him wide eyed, "Come." He said gently then climbed out of bed pulling her with him.

Returning to their main room he relit the fire then leaving her momentarily he returned to their room where he searched through a few closed boxes. Digging all the way to the bottom of a box he pulled out a small marble box then returned to her side; she lay back on the love seat basking in the warmth of the fire.

"Um...seeing as I'm already a vampire...we have to do it a little differently..." he mumbled. Then kneeling in front of the fire he started removing the contents of the box, "I've had this for many years...but...I never made another so I never used it...not that I didn't love all my previous wives." He stated as he placed an x shaped branding iron in the fire, "Come, sit with me love, don't worry I'll help you back up." He teased, getting up she did as asked and he helped her sit down her eyes growing wide in wonderment.

Grabbing up some scissors he grabbed an inconspicuous piece of her hair, "May I?" he asked, when she shook her head yes he snipped a section off then put it in a small stone bowl. Mixing a few other items in with it he handed her a piece of tender, "I need some of your blood." He said her eyes nervously looking down at the shining blade that lay before him, "Do you trust me?" he questioned.

"Yes." She said nervously, taking one hand in his he kissed her deeply, her hand squeezing his hard and a whimper of pain crossing her lips as he sliced an x across her chest above her heart.

Wiping the blood off the blade into the bowl he bit his tongue hard enough to make it bleed then licked gently at her open wound, another whimper crossing her lips as the mix of his blood and venom entered the wound.

"My life is yours, you are my sun and my moon, I am eternally yours and yours alone, I obey only you, my love, my mistress." He whispered then licked at the wound again.

Once he finally pulled away her eyes grew wide as the wound he'd already made had healed closed and was now a scar across her heart.

"Tell me what to do." She said.

"First these have to go on." Handing her a set of specially made cuffs he placed his arms behind his back, "It's for your safety." He muttered, reaching behind him she put them on a thrill going through him, "Hmm, this feels kind of kinky." He growled out which made her heartbeat hitch, "Burn the stuff in the bowl to turn it to ash." She obeyed then looked at him, "Next you need the dagger...copy what I did to you, the dagger will cut." He mumbled then smiled at her concern, "I'll be fine, once you've made the cut, drink cherie, then rub the ash in the wound, now you must be quick, once you've done that use that iron to cauterize the wound shut; it will leave a scar." Nervously she kissed him then shook her head.

Grabbing up the dagger she sliced an x across his heart, his hands strained against the cuffs as he gritted his teeth however pleasure shot through him when she drank.

"My life is yours, my eternal moon, my emerald flame, I am eternally yours and yours alone, I obey only you, my love, my master." She whispered then suckled more, his arousal at its peak.

Quickly she done as he'd said, filling the wound with the ash then grabbing the iron she bit her lip and pressed it to him. He let out an animalistic growl as the brand seared his flesh; he knew this ritual merely because Masato had taught it to him and he knew the scar would remain. Pulling back quickly a look of concern crossed her face and she reached out to touch his face.

"Don't touch me yet." He growled out at her, his instinct to harm that which had harmed him surfacing; closing his eyes he fought to rein it in.

Finally he reined it in, but a whole new and more powerful emotion was taking over him; he heard the cuffs snap. Before he knew it he was on her, pinning her to the ground his tongue plunging deep within her mouth, flipping her around he pulled her to her hands and knees and thrust into her deep and hard, quickly her moans became screams of pleasure but some part of him knew he wasn't harming her. He was surprised at the animalistic feel to simply fuck her over and over coursed through him; they were in for a long night.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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