Kitty KAT?

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Katya's POV:

''U um my name is Katya,'' i said as i stuck out my hand to shake his.

''Well Kitty Kat, my name is Ryder, Ryder Main,'' he said taking my hand and turning it, then planting a kiss on it. I blushed. 

Time jump:

After my first day at school i had got to know that Ryder was pretty cool, he told me all these cheezy pick up line all day and i have to say it was kind of cool to laugh that hard again. When i had gotten home my mom and dad were there. I hugged them and then did my homework. Around 6 pm my mom called me for dinner and for the rest of the night me and my parents talked and watched movies together before they had to leave tomorrow morning.

Another time jump: NOW IT IS MONDAY AGAIN

-still in her pov

Today was a pretty good day, lunch had finally come around and me and Em were chatting talking about all my witchy stuff like when i first learned, where i learned it from, why i liked it. Then she told me all about this crazy website she found on fruits and there meanings. I had cherries for lunch today and she told me in i quote ' cherries are the fruit of fate, they connect you to your soulmate,' then i picked a cherry up that had two on one stem. 

Ems face lit up and she stopped me before i pulled them apart to eat them, god i loved cherries. She told me to throw one cherry across the cafe to see who my soul mate is and knowing she wasn't letting this go i grabbed the cherries and pulled them apart. I took one in my hand standing up from my seat, then turning around to face 3/4 of the cafe i chucked the cherry god knows where. I sat back down and not even a few seconds later i heard a 'hey who threw that.'

I quickly got up to see Ryder holding a cherry in one hand and his eye with the other. Oh crap! i thought i quickly took my seat and covered my face as much as possible. Ryder had stood up and looked around the room. He had seen the other cherries in my container and was walking towards me at least that is what Emily says. 

Soon there were foot step and then they stopped.

''You know you could kill someone by throwing food, but what i want to know is why in the hell you aimed it at me?'' he asked half serious half laughing.

''I didn't aim it at you and it was Emily's idea to see who my sou....'' before i could ramble on and finish that sentence i pressed my palm to my mouth shutting me up. Before Ryder could ask what i was gonna say i grabbed my bad and bolted out of the cafe and into the girls bathroom with Emily on my tail.

After i regained my composer in the bathroom i decided to go home and pig out with movies and pizza, Em decided to join me. And that was my crazy day. I just wondered what i would do tomorrow?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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