Chapter 2

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                       Stiles' pov
I woke up seeing my beautiful boyfriend , I wouldn't call him beautiful because he's always grumpy but whatever. I got up and went to see the Isaac but when I opened  Isaac's door i saw the pack in a puppy pile . I went downstairs to the kitchen and started cooking bacon , toast , pancakes, tea and coffee. After setting up the table I saw Derek sniffing the air , he came to me and saw a full breakfast ready on the table" I didn't know you could cook" he smirked"perfect wife material " " never underestimate the stilinski's " i laughed . Then I saw my big baby Isaac rubbing his eyes " Morning , mom" he said yawning." Wait, what do you mean 'mom' ? Derek asked. I remembered I forgot to tell Derek about me adopting Isaac." Ahh , w-well y-you see i-i adopted Isaac " I stuttered " so your his new dad ?" He asked. "No, but more of like a mom to him" when i said that i saw the pack eves dropping. "Good morning,pups, who told you you can eves drop on use ? " i asked angrily  " sorry,mom" they all said "and who told you ,you can cal me mom"i asked laughingly " but it's not fair that only Isaac could mom" jackson pouts " we wanna be your babies too" Erica exclaimed " mom, adopt us too" the twins complained, the twins had no mom,no dad , no family they only had each other." Are you sure ?" I asked surprisingly " please , they both said with those cute puppy eyes and pouting lips." Fine, but you're gonna have to listen to every thing I say since I'll be your mom, okay?" They smiled , they nodded with happy faces." Isaac, your gonna have little brothers "  i laughed ,"what ?!, why them ? They are annoying."Isaac frowned and growled at the twins , they growled back " I'll count one to three , if you don't stop , I'll be taking your electronics for a week " I shouted but they still growled at each other ."  One " i started "two ." I said while gritting my teeth with a pissed off voice, then they stopped and whimpered . " now ,apologies to each other "i smiled but they refused " fine, no electronics for a month" i said angrily " okay, okay , sorry , big brother,for growling at you and being annoying " they said (note the sarcasm)  " I'm sorry too for growling at you first " . I had a big smile on my face and hugged them. I look at the rest of the pack with impressed faces."after school we'll be going to court and ask for adoption papers. " i demanded " and anyone in the pack is allowed to call me mom" i said giving me motherly smile.

       (Time skip )

We just got out of court , now the twins are officially my sons . We're driving to Derek's loft . And might as well as cook dinner , I'm so nervous cuz i have to tell the pack , how long Isaac has been my son.

(Time skip again a/n - i am so sorry .😓)

After having dinner with the pups and Derek , we all sat down in the living room and discuss " so" Derek started " how long has Isaac been your son ?"
" Ever since i met him . The first time i met him i noticed that he was just like me when i was mourning for my mother. I felt pain in my chest when he told me that he doesn't have a family not even one . What else made it so painful was  when he cried and looked at me , his eyes where filled with so much pain and sadness and he asked me why did everything have to go wrong and it hit me , so i ran to him and embraced him in my arms and he just sobbed and suddenly he said mom , i realized that my embrace and how i understood everything and how i just listened was similar that of a mother so after Isaac was done crying i asked if he wanted me to adopt him , he agreed " after say that I noticed i was in tears and so were they and i smiled and said " oh come here all of you and me hug." We were all hugging and they i said "I love you all "


A/N :
I'm sorry
I didn't update
I'm busy cuz I'm going back to my home town
I love my babies.

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