EXO-M watching Bambi

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*EXO-M watching Bambi*

*watches scene where Bambi’s mom dies*

Lay: Luhan I’m so sorry, I had no idea.

Luhan: What are you talking about?

Kris: A moment of silence for Luhan’s mother

Luhan: Really? -__-

Tao: Don’t worry man, we’re here for you.

Luhan: Screw you guys.

Luhan: I’m going to Sehun.

Luhan: Hi Sehun!

Sehun: Luhannie, Chen just called me.

Sehun: Why didn’t you tell me?

Sehun: I could have helped you through this.

Luhan: Not you too.



walang connect yung MM sa gilid. I know I know! XDDD EH SA NATAWA AKO SA KANILA EH XDD

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