Chapter 1

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Breach! Breach! Breach! The alarm shrieked. Leo Raymon cursed and ran to the centre room, followed by a giant crowd. When he got to the centre room he looked on the camera and saw something that made absolutely no sense. There was a skeletal thatarex with a laser gun walking up the hallway. Leo got out his Mobile all tool (MAT) and reported the situation to main control. "Control, this is Leo Alexander Raymon from the third section. Do you hear me?" "We hear you loud and clear. What's the situation?" Report, it appears that a skeletal thatarex with a high-tech laser gun, Mark 916 to be precise, is stalking our hallways. What should we do?" He heard panicked whispers coming from main control. ...thatarex... ...skeleton... ...dreadlord... ...return... "Cadet, our orders are capture the thatarex skeleton." Leo was already thinking of ways to do this as he put his MAT into attack mode. Suddenly the metal doors on the far side sizzled and a jagged hole burst through. The thatarex stepped into view. Leo and the crowd backed away. Leo tensed. Suddenly, the thatarex opened fire. He ducked and rolled, using his basic training from the days as a student. He swung up the MAT and opened fire. The blast hit the thatarex skeleton in the chest and it buzzed and lay still. Of course, he hadn't killed it. That would be disobeying orders. He merely stunned it. He walked over and grabbed it's gun and put it into his pockets. See, the good thing about the SSF was that they let you have any spoils of war that you collect. After a while the SSF medical team arrived. Out of the 39 people in the space station, there were only 4 casualties. They had been vaporised on impact by the laser gun. They all stepped into the spaceship, a galactatron Mark 5 that would take them to a new space station. This one would be disintegrated. The thatarex skeleton was in catnap handcuffs, which if applied, made you sleep. It was in a room, guarded with care. They arrived at main control, where the thatarex was wheeled off to the operating room. They stepped into another spacecraft that would send them to a new space station. The new space station looked exactly like the old one. It even had the same potted plants! He went into his room and started writing up his diary.
June 24, 3089.
Today I single handedly defeated a thatarex skeleton. I took its laser gun, a mark 916. It is state of the art. I am proud of this achievement. The laser gun is sleek and smooth. It vaporises objects. It is so cool. They are currently examining the thatarex skeleton to find out what is holding this bizarre creature together. When I reported this to main control they sounded panicked for some reason I don't know about.
Leo closed his diary and then the speaker blurted out, "cadets, please come to the main room. Thank you." Leo was puzzled. But he went anyway. The other cadets looked just as puzzled and confused as he was, as they were going to the main room. When they got to the main room they arranged themselves in a square formation. The speaker said, "cadets, not only you have been attacked. Every space station has, by some alien skeleton with a laser gun." Hearing this, people burst into panicked whispers. "So" the speaker continued, "we will be sending over some bio soldiers over to protect you. Please do not be alarmed. Thank you for your cooperation." As Leo was walking back to his room, he got his first view of a bio solider. It looked like robo cop, holding a laser gun. In other words, it looked completely epic. Leo thought about something, and then headed to the observation room. He used the mark 9 Galileo telescope, the most advanced telescope ever. He scanned space, but he didn't find any UFOs. That was a relief. He headed back to his room and saw a screen on his bed. He picked it up and saw that he had a call. He pressed accept and the face of the head of the SSF flooded the screen.

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