15 2 2

"I dont even know what to say to him." My voice waves and cracks while i talk to lucy, she laughs and continues making fun of me as we glance back and fourth from the only boy at the party i care about.
"Anyway... I have to go, i need to get home before my curfew." She frowns them opens her arms to hug me, i walk into her hug with my arms open out her.
"Bye ill see you on monday!" She says picking up my cup of water and downing the rest of it. I raise my eyebrows and turn to leave, i take one more quick glance over at the boy before leaving.

I start to walk outside when i hear footsteps walking in unisen with mine, i glance back and catch the slitest glimpse of the blonde hair belonging to the boy i dream about, the boy whos name has been tattooed all over my maths book.
I start to think about what to say to him and the moment i think of something even resonable to say i make one wrong move, i step forward and fall face first onto the ground.
I wait to the laughing of the people behind me but instead i feel a firm grip on my shoulder.
"Hey are you okay that was a pretty big fall?" The low voice brings instant comfort but even more nerves knowing that now i dont have a choice of whether i want to talk to him or not.
"Yeah im fine thank you." I roll onto my back and smile but what i see sends a chill down my spine.
I jump up pushing the person back.
"Dont be scared, im genuenly concered about your fall."
"And im fine!"
"Good now take your family and leave before it takes you!"
I feel myself step back from the shock that his sentence brings.
"Excuse me?"
"Leave with you family or it will take you, then you will be alone and you will have to figure it out!"
I give up talking and run, i turn my back ignoring them calling out to me and i run. I dont stop until i get home in fact, i barrel up the stairs into my dads room.
He looks up and smiles, he checks his watch and gives me a thumbs up.
I sit down on my bed a take in a deep breath knowing that that person is gone.
"Shania... SHANIA! Run!" I look up but i dont see my family, i dont see my brother or my dad or my mum. I dont see anything but burning red flames destroying my room as it explodes and becomes engulfed in flames.

"Mu...... Mum..... Dad, he.... help." My words shake and my lungs burn from the intoxicating smoke.
"Please... HELP!" I cry out letting my lungs burn as i inhale the schorching red flames.
"WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear the voice and it doesnt sound like anyone i know but right now it sounds heavenly.
"I... I dont know." I call back, i try to yell but the i can feel the flesh around my throat tingling and burning, i can hear something moving above me.
Some word gets thrown away from my face and two hands stretch out and lift me up. I breathe in both a sigh of relief and of desperation, i can barely open my eyes to see who helped me but i can feel the strong grip around my body.
"Thank.... Thanks you...." I pant the words out, the man doesnt respond.
"You shouldve listened." His voice is low and i realise that his grip is familiar as well. I swing my legs around and drop down from his grip, i look up prying my eyes open.
"What the hell do you mean?"
"You shouldve listened!"
I look him up and down and see all the same features i saw a fee hours ago on the man that helped me up from my fall.
"WHO ARE YOU!" I give up my patience and scream at the top of my lungs, i can feel more of the flesh around my throat burning away but i dont care anymore.
"You shouldve listened."
I open my mouth to ralk but thats when i see it, i look down from his face and see my entire family burning to death.
"NO....NOOO!" I scream and push the man away, i try to run but his arms wrap around my waist.
"Let go...LET GO!" I scream and stuggle but no matter how hard i try i cant break away from his grip.
I look up at my parents and watch an explosion erupt around them. I try to breathe in but the moment i try i collapse down.
"I just want to get them out alive."
"Dont you get it.... Their already dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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