8; art was meant to make you feel

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«so what if

i'm fucking



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I was back next to jackass Jackson again, this time in my Art lesson.

I sat down next to him, dropping my bag unceremoniously on the floor and sighing. 'You just can't leave me alone, can you?' I asked. 'I mean, bothering the teachers so you get to sit next to me is a bit desperate, isn't it?'

Jackson rolled his eyes. 'There are plenty of empty seats, Kennedy. Go sit in them.'

'Well, I would, but they're all next to people I hate even more than you. I know, right? I was surprised it was possible too. Okay, look, over there-' I pointed. 'That's Annoying Singing Dude. He's on my History table and he sings all the time. Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, whatever. He doesn't care. He's really out of tune, too.'

Jackson didn't look very impressed, so I carried on.

'And then over there we have Pedo Boy. Basically, he's a total pedo. He tried to touch me up in the corridor, and then again in Gym class. Across from him is Regina George, who likes to sniff snottily at me in Maths and insult my outfits, my hair, my face, my friends and my nail polish.' I smiled. 'And then there's Morgana across the room, next to Allison, who I really don't want to sit next to because I see too much of her already. And she insults me all the time.'

Jackson still didn't look convinced.

'You know, if you don't want me here, you can always go and sit next to Annoying Singing Guy or Regina George, because I'm not moving. I'm sure you have a lot in common. But I thought you were supposed to be turning over a new leaf and apologising and shit.' I blinked innocently. 'Right?'

Jackson rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, no doubt to say something rude and arrogant, but the Art teacher bustled in, smiling brightly. 'Okay, everybody, the person next to you will be your partner for today. You have a blank canvas and two hours. I'd like you to draw and paint your partner. Once you're done, show them it. Next lesson we'll repeat this process with the same partner after I've taught you a few things about paint and drawing. Start now!'

She sat down and pulled out a book.

I looked at Jackson, grinned, and set to work drawing him. For a few minutes, it was quiet, then Jackson shook his head. 'This isn't going to work. You're not looking at me!'

'Jackson,' I said patiently. 'I have to draw you too. Just ask when you want me to lift my head, or draw me drawing you. Then it'll be sorted.'

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