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Hi, guys. It's me, Charlotte.

Some of you may know about the things that have been happening over the past week or two. If you don't, here's a quick rundown for you.

There was an account plagiarising my stories and sending me hate. @-aphrodites_ was the user, although the account was taken down.

That account was me.

Before everyone starts hating I'd just like to explain a little.

I know, believe me, I know that my reasons are no excuse. But I did do it for attention, not with any malicious intent. I never, ever intended for things to get quite as bad as they did.

Never. My friends weren't supposed to be involved at all.

Of course, they did get involved. And as this aphrodites, I said some horrible, horrible unforgivable things to them. I never meant any of them; I tried to stay in character.

Or, at least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself now.

I think, really, I got too caught up in all of this. I got too involved in the person I was pretending to be, and the worst- very, very worst- parts of me came out.

I'm not proud of it at all.

So, like the worst parts of me, I'm going to be a coward, I guess. I've been talking to the people I hurt- my friends, people who trusted me, people who I hurt- and they've been asking me questions. Telling me what they need to tell me.

They don't forgive me for what I did, of course. I don't expect them to. I don't actually forgive myself.

But they're getting closure. Once that's done, I'm going to leave that groupchat on Kik. I might create an entirely new Kik account, actually.

I know one thing I'm doing is leaving this account. That means no more updates. I'll leave the account up, however, and people will still be able to read my stories if they want to. I'm going to finish Frail, and then maybe add a few chapters to some of my social media stories. But no others will be continued.

This whole process of finishing Frail will probably take a few weeks. Maybe a month.

I'll be only using Wattpad to check my PMs and update. Other than that, I won't check my account at all. I'll be off Wattpad apart from that.

In that time, feel free to look through my stories. If you like a plot in any one of them, then you can PM or Kik me and I'll let you have the plot to continue the story. Apart from Fire In The Rain and Violet. Those plots don't belong to me and will be given back to their original owners since I will no longer be continuing them. Also, I've included all my notes on this story in my published chapters, so if you need those, you're welcome to them.

I really hope someone wants this plot, because I do love it. I just know I can't finish it in the time I've given myself to leave this account.

The same goes for the plot shop. Any previous rules about checking people's writing will no longer be in place.

Then, I think I'm going to make a fresh start with a new account on Wattpad. After all, I do love Wattpad. I love writing. This site helps me and helps my writing. That account won't be connected to this one at all.

I might take a plot or two I especially like from the plot shop, but other than that, I won't do anything to show that the same person runs or used to run the account.

If you particularly want to know because you like my writing, or because you like me and want to be my friend, then I'll tell you over PM what the user will be, but I'm warning you- keep that information to yourself.

Otherwise I'll have to delete that account and make a completely new one again. I'd really rather not do that.

I'll be using a pen name, one of my middle names, so I won't even be called Charlotte anymore.

Finally, again. I'm really really sorry to anyone who I hurt during this entire thing.

Seriously. I'm- I don't even know how to say it. How to express it.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

If you have something you want to say to me after all this, then you can PM me or Kik me at charlottte1.

Again, I'm so so sorry to anyone who I've hurt. That was never my intention. I swear. And I know all the sorry's in the world can't undo what I did... but maybe they can make you feel better, at least. Hopefully.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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