The train.

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Five words.

Just five words, and my life was about to change. "Hey, is this seat taken?"

He had a very pretty face, it was long and slender with an array of freckles and big plump lips. Pink lips. Soft lips. His eyes were a blue grey. Not the whole 'deep pools' but they were pretty. They fit him. He was tall. Taller then me for sure. He wore tight fit black skinny jeans a red and black flannel shirt. His hair was straight and he wore on it a backwards cap. Which in my mind sounds ridiculous. Yet he pulled it off.

I didn't really answer him, I just smiled and moved my bag from the seat next to me, onto the floor. He took his seat, and to avoid conversation with him I put in my second headphone and stared absent-minded out the window.

It wasn't him I was avoiding conversation with. Just people in general. I knew people didn't like me because I annoy them. I talk to much. I complain to much. I hang around to much. I'm just to much for most people to handle. Except for Tim. He's my best mate. The one always there for me. The one who asks if Im okay every. single. day.

That's the way I liked it. Routine. Wake up. Go to school. Go to work if I had a shift that day. And then catch the train home. Tim and I would usually study at my house when I got home, which actually is just us arguing over petty things like whether batman was considered a superhero or not, usually we hang out for two hours or so. Then he would go and I would watch something on Netflix. Eat dinner. Listen to music, shower and then sleep.

A simple, well thought out, routine. One that I have been going by for nearly three years now. So when things upset my perfect balance, like people wanting to talk and make friends.. I didn't like it. So I really wasn't about to like what happened next.

A tap on the shoulder. I shrugged it off, hoping to god it wasn't what I thought it was. Another tap. And then my earphone was ripped from my hear. Who does this boy think he is?!

I swung my head and shot daggers "what do you want?" I scolded.

"What are you listening to?" He asked politely with a cross between a smirk and a grin on his face.

"A song." I spoke and went to put my headphone back in but instead he stopped me by putting his hand on the one I was easing to my ear and would you believe it? He began talking again. It's called a hint buddy.

"I'm Zane." He prompted.

"Hunter." I said finally relaxing my hand, gathering the feeling I wouldn't win.

"Well Hunter, what song are you listening to?"

"Um, it's called Torn to Shreds." I managed with a half smile. Half forced smile.

"By Def Leppard?" He questioned, looking impressed.

This caused me to full on grin, I wouldn't expect him to like my taste in music. Perhaps I judged to quickly? Cute. Check. Good music taste. Check. Polite. Check. What's this boy hiding? I nodded anyways to ensure he knew his guess had been right and we began to make small talk about bits of trivia on one another.

By the time it was my stop he grabbed my arm and asked if he could get my number. I panicked. My order. That's not how this works. People don't just like me enough to ask for my number. I freaked out and shook my head before rushing off the train to find the doors were closed and he has moved over to my seat looking down at me. He looked a little hurt and I felt a little disappointed.

I immediately regretted my decision.

So that was my first chapter :/ not sure how I feel about it. But anywaysssss. Thoughts? Helpful tips? Anything...? Btw I'm sorry it's so short. I will start writing longer chapters but I just want to figure out how readers will enjoy my style before I start getting fully into writing.



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