A chance meeting.

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He convinced me to come out. That curly headed best friend of mine.

"Come on." Tim called at me as he was running down the peer. He was honestly a three year old in the way he acted.

All day we had been down at the beach even though it was slightly chilly. I only had on my cardigan too. So that didn't make it any better. Jean shorts, white docs, black shirt and a blue cardigan. Boy I did not think this weather through.

As I was about to tell Tim I was ready and willing to leave. I saw him! The boy from the train. All the way at the end of the peer, so I wasn't undeniably sure it was him. But it looked like him, same dress sense, same height. I began to run down the peer, I'm not to sure way. Maybe I found him more attractive then I allowed myself to believe or maybe it was the regret of not giving him my number. But regardless I was running. Running running. Not sprinting, that would be obsessive. Just a brisk jog, I swear.

"Hunter. Slow down girl." Tim called but as I swung round to tell him I was fine. I tripped. No more running running. Just falling, falling.

The icy cold water pricked my skin and I wasn't sure if I wanted to even resurface for fear of embarrassment and humiliation but never the less I surfaced. Teeth chattering and lips gone blue. Looking up at a laughing Tim and a concerned looking Zane.

Tim was always like this and it kind of bugged me a little, his fully clothed friend just tripped and fell into ice cold water and he's laughing whilst a practically complete stranger looks more concerned then him. How in the hell?!

I reached up my hand expecting Tim to at least grab that but instead the other boy grabs my hand. His slender fingers monkey grip my arm and haul me out of the water. I sat on the side of the dock and pulled off my boots as the boy came and sat with me. I just death glared my curly headed mate so he would stay away. Not a happy friend with him right now.

This was such a cliche minus me falling into the water. Girl meets boy. Girl likes boy but doesn't give number and then bumps into him somewhere unexpected. But then, for the ever loving God was this a joke?

He pulled off his hoodie and I slipped into it. He was wearing a clearly thin t shirt underneath and I did feel bad but I was to cold to say no to it. I smiled at him and he smiled back and slightly nodded clearly seeing the appreciation in my eyes.

"So we meet again?" He remarked, breaking the silence.

"We do." I said "and sorry about the other day."

"It's alright. I was a bit intrusive. I get it. You have a boyfriend." He said motioning to Tim.

I couldn't hold in the giggles that were beginning to escape. I didn't like Tim. I've never seen him that way.

"No no, nothing like that. He's just my best friend." I interrupted. "I just kinda freaked out." I glanced down at the water, "but if you still want it I wouldn't mind giving it to you." I looked into his eyes with a sheepish smile"

"Nothing would give me more pleasure." He smiled back.

This boy is so sweet dear lord.

After the exchanging of numbers -and thank god, Tim had tugged my bag off me whilst running down the peer in an attempt to get me to come with him, or my phone would be swimming with the fishes- I headed home.


Once arriving at home I hopped in my shower, I had a bathroom linking onto my room. It was only myself and my mum who lived here and our house wasn't all that flash but it was cozy and homely and just the way we liked it. In my shower I had painted the tiles a light purple which was beginning to flake off and underneath was revealing a creamy white colour, the tap gave out crap water pressure and it didn't swivel, but I didn't have to share my bathroom as mum had a small ensuite and I had my linking bathroom, which meant when we had visitors they also used mine through another door, but that wasn't very often and that was good enough for me.

When I was out I wrapped my towel around my hair and put on my, slightly to small, fluffy robe. I never got dressed straight out of the shower because I have always just found it annoying to do so, and I'm not to sure why.

I jumped straight onto my phone only to see that I had a message from an unknown number. Could it be him? I opened it immediately, obviously.

"Your child may be eligible for bulk bill dental, book before it ends on 31 Dec. Call 1800693368. Reply stop to opt out"

Well, call it a guess but I don't believe that message was from him. A little bummed I plugged in my headphones and put on some music. Just shuffle because that's what I always do. I like to shake things up..

On my fifth song of laying down in self loathing wondering why I even try with guys and also wondering why spam accounts send people things about their "children" instead of just the customer as some people, namely me, don't even have children, I got a text.

"Hey. Sorry for taking a while, but what are you doing on Saturday?

"Hey, um no it's fine and this Saturday??

"Yes this Saturday you goof >-<

"Nerd! And nothing :)



Well ladies and gentlemen, this was it. I had just set up a date, for in two days time. Hence the confusion of this Saturday. But perhaps if it's so soon he doesn't really care and it's just a friend thing? Dear baby cheese. Time to stress about a cute outfit if it is a date but a friendly outfit also in case it's just a friend thing and we're just friends.

But if he wanted to just be friends why would he say he understood because I had a boyfriend, is that because he wanted to date me?

Oh well.

I guess we'll soon see.

Welp, i dont know. Kinda feel like this is bad but please offer criticism. Can't say much but all help is appreciated.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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