Pennies, Quarters, $50 bills

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Fran searched through her purse but couldn't find any pepper spay. Sure, she was just going for an afternoon jog, but better safe than sorry she always says. "Are you really looking for pepper spay when you have more than 10 martial artist breathing the same air as you as we speak?" Summer asks before she sees a $50 bill on the counter. "Don't think of touching it" Fran says returning from the bottomless pit that was her purse. "Why don't you just buy more spray?" Summer asks. "OK" Fran whispers angrily "I'm saving up to buy lunch later". She slams her purse on the counter and leaves the room. Summer remains in the same spot. "$50 worth of lunch"

Chapter 6 Done!!!
Chapter 7 on the way, and trust me, it will not be short

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