bath time fights

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"sam, will you please help me out with the girls?" you groaned as your husband sat on the couch, watching football.

"shhh, the games on." his eyes were glued to the tv.

today was a stressful day. you had worked from 7 am to 7 pm. and when you asked sam to get dinner ready he didn't. it's like you were invisible.

"please same. i'm begging you. just get the girls pajamas and start to run their-"

"y/n, would you shut the fuck up!? i'm watching the game!" he spat. anger filled up inside you so much to the point you wanted to cry. you balled your fists and clenched your teeth, walking over to the flat screen tv that sam's eyes were glued to.

"y/n, what the fuck. move!" sam said moving his head from side to side, trying to look at the tv.

"i asked you to do two things tonight! i asked you to get dinner ready, which you didn't do and i asked you to get your daughters baths ready and get their pajamas." you yelled.

"technically, that's three things." he raised his eyebrows.

"three, my bad." you glared at him.

"it is your bad." he mumbled.

"whatever, if you won't help then i'll help myself by leaving." you scuffed walking upstairs.

"fine! go, i don't care." he spat.

tears started running down your face as you grabbed a bag and packed some clothes for yourself and your daughters.

"come on girls." you say to your twin daughters who are in their room.

you walk back into the living room as sam's eyes were still glued on the tv. "wait, where are you going?" he paused the tv.

"don't worry about it." you spat opening the door. "no, you're not going anywhere." he slammed the door shut with his hand.

your head dropped as tears started running down your face.

"you never put any effort into this family, sam. i'm leaving with the girls tonight. i'll be back in the morning." you opened the door and took your twin girls out to the car.

obviously the little two year olds were confused as to why they were going somewhere with out their daddy. (my daddy too)

sam stood in front of the door, confused, shocked, and heart broken as the his three girls just left him.

you drove to your parents house, your mom greeting you at the door.

"hi y/n." she opened her arms, hugging you.

"hi my girls!" your mom hugged the twins as you dries your tears. "i've got the guest room ready for the girls, you can sleep in your old room if you'd like." you nodded your head trudging up the steep stairs.

you set your stuff down in your old room and took the girls into your old bathroom.

"bath time, girls." you slightly smiled at them.

your phone then started ringing. sam's face popping up on your screen. "hello?" your voice cracked.

"y-y/n. baby, please come home." sam's voice cracked. "i'm not coming home, sam. let me be tonight. i told you i'd be back tomorrow." you hung up.

*skip the the morning*

the next morning you didn't have to work. you woke your daughters up, making them breakfast. they are their pancakes as you walked around the living room, looking for your phone.

you had a text from sam.

sam: morning my beautiful bride. im sorry about last night. i should put more into this relationship. i love you and the girls so much. call me later xoxo

you smiled at his cuteness.

you called him and picked up almost instantly.

"hi love." he answered.

"hi, sam." you smiled, blushing intensely.

"hi daddy!" the girls yelled in unison.

you watched tv as you talked to your beautiful husband. "breaking news, a plane has crashed into one of the world trade centers has been hit by an airplane." your heart dropped.

"sam!" you yelled.

"shhh, it okay baby. it wasn't mine." his voice cracked. he tried staying calm, but you could tell he was scared.

"get out of the building!" you cried. your daughters now scared.

"im going baby."

"don't use the elevator please, just stay on the phone and get out." you cried as you held your girls.

ten minutes later sam had called you from outside the building.

"im out baby." sam panted.

"oh my god!" sam screamed.

you jumped. "what!? what's wrong?" you cried even harder. "another plane just hit my building!" he cried. you sobbed even harder than before.

"please just get home, so i can hug and kiss you." you sobbed.

"we love you daddy." your girls said though the phone. "i love you girls, i promise to give you your baths tonight." sam cried.

never forget september 11th, 2001


the amount of hate in this world breaks my heart. i wish everyone could get along.

God bless all the lives that were lost during the horror of 9/11. and thank you to all who served.

makes me bawl every time I think about it.

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