The Dungeon

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Walking down the stairs is a scary process, for me, when the most horrible creatures live down in the dungeon. I got to the bottom, and looked around at the walls covered in what used to be paint. The once white floor is covered in grey toxins, with stains that will never come out. I opened a special door to the Closet of Justice, or weapon room and pulled out the Weapon of Mass Destruction. Sweeping the WMD all across the dungeon floor falling into problems like yellow monsters is death and their kernels. Also the sea of the wild things with vicious bunnies, shiny acid. I moved along to the next room where webs for a man sized spider flow between the walls. It was there that I saw the wall of mystery. This odd wall stands tall with poisonous gas surrounding it. I climbed the wall and exterminated everything behind it. Almost done with cleaning the underground world of deadly monsters to find that the Queen has been calling me for about 5 minutes.
"Sally!" She yelled.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Come up for dinner!" She yelled. ending our conversation.
I left the vacuum where it was, and ran up the stairs leaving the stairs for after dinner.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes if you find any let me know please.

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