Chapter 39; dance & ours

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Chapter 39

"I'm nervous."

"shut up."

"but I'm really nervous," I complained.

"Zoe, would you just stop? They're coming soon and nothing will go wrong, alright?" Gemma said as she curled my hair. I nodded and took deep breaths. She was right.

I tried to push away all the what if thoughts and just made myself presentable for later. The guests will come in half an hour and Niall will bring Harry in about an hour and a half.

"You're done and you look amazing," Gemma grinned and looked with me in the mirror. "Why did you decide on that dress?" I asked Gemma since I had showed her like all the dresses I had and she immediately went to the white dress section.

"You know what he told me on Christmas?"

I shook my head and waited for her to continue, "he told me that he loves it when you wear white. He said something about how that would mess with his head or something."

"He did?" I asked shocked. I didn't know that he liked it when I wear white. "Indeed he did," she nodded grinning and ran the blush over my cheeks. I smiled to myself and let the information sink in.

I slipped on white, matching heels and went downstairs with Gemma who already wore a light blue dress as short as mine and just simple with short sleeves.

"Oh my god! You two look gorgeous! Let me take a picture!" Anne exclaimed excitedly as she took out her phone and snapped a few pictures of me and Gemma.

Not soon after the doorbell rang and guests started to fill the living room. I introduced myself to a few of Harry's friends and they were all really nice to me.

"He'll be here in around thirty minutes so let's get everyone outside. We need to prepare the last few things outside though but I already asked a few people to help," Gemma said, making me nod.

"Do you have the glow sticks and the confetti bombs?" I asked as we shooed the guest outside. Noah, Kim, Gemma, a few friends and I started to threw the glowing glow sticks into my pool. We bought like hundreds of them and the ground of the pool was shining really bright even though the sun wasn't all the way down yet.

"That's so sick!"

"Ten minutes left!" Noah yelled so everyone could hear. The next thing we did was hand out the confetti bombs and just a minute before we were done Niall texted me that they just arrived.

"They're here!" I yelled and we all hid somewhere. We heard talking and soon I saw Niall & Harry walking down the few steps to the yard. "Who's house is this Niall? I don't want to go to jail because of you on my fucking birthday," Harry growled.

Niall laughed and held his hand up so Harry wouldn't see. He showed three fingers...then


We jumped out of our hiding spots and with semi loud bangs the confetti flew everywhere. Literally.

"Oh my god," Harry held his hand over his heart and pushed Niall who just laughed at Harry. "Thank you guys," Harry grinned at every single person until his eyes landed on me.

He shook his head unnoticeable for anyone but me before Anne, Robin & Gemma all pulled him into a hug. "Who did this? and who's house is this?" I heard Harry asking.

I walked away and got myself a drink before I sat on the hammock like thing. It took awhile as everyone wished Harry as Happy Birthday. I watched him the whole time and sometimes his eyes would look around as if he was looking for something or someone.

"Hey Zoe," a little voice greeted happily.

"Hey sweetie," I smiled back at Riley before lifting her up and placing her on my lap. "Are you having fun?" she grinned at me. "Oh yes, a lot of fun actually."

"I like the music," Riley waved her arms around as the music filled the air. I laughed and agreed with her. "We could dance," Riley suddenly suggested. "Alright, c'mon," I grabbed her tiny hand and she dragged me to where a few people were already dancing.

We twirled around for a while until a familiar song came on. I knew this song by heard.

You can be my guiding light
Keep me
Company in the night

I stopped dancing but Riley was too into it to notice.

"Can I have this dance."

My eyes widened as I heard his voice from behind me. I turned around and faced a smiling Harry. "It's our song so I thought we should dance to it like the first time in your living room," he continued and I was astonished that he really remembered it.

I chuckled and gave in to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he did the same with his hands around my waist. "Niall told me everything and I mean literally everything."

So also the part where I let Louis & Niall overtake my company?

"Especially the part where you let Niall & Louis overtake your company," he said like he literally read my mind. "He said something along the lines 'I'm gonna be fucking rich, bro.'"

I laughed and just when Harry joined me I was the happiest person on this world.

"I love you so much Harry. I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry, too and I love you more then anything in this entire world. You didn't have to give someone else your company. You worked so hard for it but I respect every single decision you make and the fact that I was one of the reasons you did it is just another reason for me to love you more and more every day."

I stared into his eyes and he leaned closer. I knew what was coming and I wanted it so I closed my eyes and leaned up a little until his lips were pressed onto mine. All I felt was love at that moment. I love him.

I didn't find the courage to break the kiss but after a few minutes we pulled away and smiled at each other like we were bright shining diamonds.

"Happy Birthday my love," I whispered and leaned up to kiss him again. I mean, you couldn't blame me I missed him so much and all I wanted and needed was to be close to him as long as I could.

"You like your new home?" I asked grinning.

"You mean this is ours?"

"Well, I don't think I can live here alone and if you want we can warm up to our bedroom after everyone's gone," I smirked and pinched his cheek. "Ouh, I would love to," he tickled me and pressed his lips onto mine again, making me giggle.

He's going to be the death of me, I swear.


I'm really sorry for always breaking my promises of uploading my new story but I have a lot of things do and I know it's not really a good excuse but I promise...this time I really try 😂 I promise to upload my new story this January! Maybe next week...maybe not. Also there is only one more chapter to go 😭

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