Tag... Just another tag...

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First of all, thank you grumpyoldlibrarian  for tagging me :) Then, thank you Tayla2811  for tagging me as well :)

The rules: 

 -You must list five things about yourself

-Don't put them in the comments or reply to me

-You must state the rules

-This must be done within a week

-You can't back out (why this rule!)

-You must tag 15 people

So, five things about me you do not yet know...

1.) I have gotten interested in history only since I liked Ranger's Apprentice

2.) When I'm older, I want to go to America and Australia, because I love those countries and because some friends live there J

3.) I talk rather fast most of the times

4.) I really like Suits (I've only been watching it for a week but I love it!)

5.) I have recently started to like Lindsey Stirling

Now I tag...:










And another five people

I'd suggest everyone to start another story on your profile just for tags, cause we're all tagging each other over and over again XD

~xoxo~ Rose

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