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Okay, so I was tagged by Tayla2811 to do this, thanks!

1.) Favourite song right now??

It changes like, every day, but I think right now it's... uhm... 'Fireflies', the nightcore version. But like I said, it changes every freaking day ;-)

2.) Ever won an award??

Not a real one, I guess... Well, one in a grandparents/children day thingie, and oh! I became third a few times in horse riding competitions on the ranch, and won once with my team too XD

3.) Do you like doing puzzles??

It really depends... Let's just keep it on the fact that I really like thinking about hard things (I love Sherlock Holmes for that ;-))

4.) Right now, what is the colour of the sky where you live??

White. It's all cloudy. Everywhere you look there are clouds. It will be dark soon though.

5.) What is directly behind you??

The shelves I'm cleaning up. They're quite empty now XD

6.) Do you like Oreos??

Depends. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I don't like the icecream though. If I eat it, just plain.

7.) What is one thing that really annoys you when you see people doing it??

TRYING TO BE BETTER THAN ME. Just kidding guys xD. But I do hate it when people try to be the very best while. They. Are. Not. Okay??

8.) Favourite breakfast??

Just bread. Fresh bread, fresh juice, some tea. Just simple and healthy.

9.) How do you feel about lizards??

I want one, but that's so that I can call him "Harry" – after which I can say: "You're a lizard, Harry."

10.) Glass half full or half empty??

Well, it's still just a glass of water, isn't it (#realist). The downpart stuff is a liquid and the above part is gas (#scientist)

11.) Are you enjoying this tag??

Yes, I am! I'm a bit in a hurry, but it's fine!

12.) Coke or Pepsi??

Coke. I don't like Pepsi.

13.) Favourite meme??

All of them lol (Inhale the memes, exhale the memes. Inject the memes into your bloodstream.)

People that I tag:

Liekeeh Tayla2811 tinyhands12 DalynaCentrix Faedyn Olafdesneeuwpop

The questions you have to answer (made them all fan-related XD):

1.) Who's your favourite actor?

2.) Who's your favourite artist/band?

3.) What's your favourite song?

4.) What's your favourite movie?

5.) What's your favourite tvshow/series?


7.) Who's your favourite author?

8.) Favourite country?

9.) Thing you have most merchandise of?

10.) First fandom?

11.) First fictional crush?

12.) How did you feel about these questions?

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