Mikasa x Eren (PART 1)

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A/N Hello. Idrk how to start the story but Ill start it off with what comes in mind. please bare with my wrong grammars. hope youll like it.


At School,

"N-ngh...." Mikasa opens her eyes and sees the window. Her seat is in the back near the window. "...Its nice of you to wake up now, Ackerman" a voice nearby. Mikasa looked at the opposite side and saw Levi, her homeroom teacher. "Your classmates already left." Levi said with a straight face. "..." Mikasa didnt reply. She turned her head to look at the window and said, "Why are you still here?" with a yawn. "Coz you might do strange things like last time." Levi said. "E-eh? What did I do?" Mikasa said pretending she doesnt know. "tsk. Continue pretending, Ackerman. Btw, somebody left you an apple." Levi said in an angry tone . Mikasa sits straight then finds an apple on her desk. "...An apple huh?" Mikasa said questioning Levi. "Its not from me." Levi bluntly said and left. Mikasa thought, "who would give me an apple?... ...and why an Apple?" She stands up and grabs the apple heading outside.

At the field,

"A field next to the classroom is nice." Mikasa said slowly sitting down on the grass. "...Who wouldve thought a stranger would give me an apple...e-eh wait... an Apple?!" Mikasa thinks then remembered Eren used to give her an Apple in middle school . She leans on the tree then closes her eyes. "....Youre sleeping again?" a familiar voice nearby. Mikasa didnt open her eyes but she replied,"Yes. So what?" She felt a presence sits beside her. "What are you doing here?" Mikasa opened her eyes then sees Eren. "Relaxing. and can i ask you the same?"

"Im here to eat..."

"Isnt the cafeteria the place to eat?"

"I eat anywhere, Eren."

"So what are you gonna eat?"

"...an apple I guess"

"Dont you get tired eating the same?"

"I wouldnt get tired eating the same if its from you" Mikasa jolts upon hearing and realizing what she said. She sits straight unrelaxed.

"And Why's that?" Eren said looking at her.

Mikasa's heart beat fast. "...Its because it will rot if I dont eat it." Mikasa said looking away at Eren.

"Is that so?" Eren said with a disappointed tone. He stared at Mikasa.

Mikasa stared back feeling unease. "...what?"

Eren didnt say anything then left with a disappointed look on his face

Mikasa thought, "Why...Why did he have that look on his face? What was he expecting me to say?...." She thought for awhile then realized..."Was he expecting me to say......" Mikasa blushed. "...But Im over him." Mikasa said looking at the clouds. "I should go back now" Mikasa brings with her the apple then headed back to the classroom

At the classroom,

Mikasa sat on her chair watching everyone in chaos. Mikasa thought, "Eren isnt here yet?..." Mikasa snaps then slaps her cheeks getting her consciousness back. "uh.. what was i thinking...Im over him right..."

"Hey, Mikasa." Sasha said walking towards her.

Mikasa looks at Sasha and replies coldly,"What?"

"You didnt go to the cafeteria.. And why are you cold, stop it." Sasha said sitting on a chair infront of Mikasa.

"I relaxed at the field...and somethings happened." Mikasa said looking down.

"The field? What happened?!" Sasha said with her eyes widened.

"...Nevermind." Mikasa said holding the apple. "...Sasha. Here... Its a treat from me." Mikasa gives her the apple. Sasha accepts it. "Im sorry its not your favorite." Mikasa apologized. "Its okay! As long as its from my friend and its food!" Sasha hugged Mikasa then starts eating the apple. Mikasa looked at the door then sees Eren. Sasha follows where Mikasa's looking then sees Eren. "Yo, Eren! Welcome back!" Sasha shouted. Eren looked away then sits on his chair. Eren's chair is the 2nd one in front near the door. Sasha raised her eyebrow looking at Mikasa, "Why's everyone so cold today?"

"...I dont know." Mikasa placed her head on the desk looking at the window. "Sasha, wake me up when school ends..." Mikasa said closing her eyes then sleeps.

"...ok" Sasha said going back to her chair.


......Hope you enjoyed Mikasa x Eren part 1. Sorry if its short... idk what length it should be. idrk how the story will flow from here so ill think (you can also suggest). It didnt come out what i expected it to be. but i hope you like it. The updates from here will be random like different pairings. but there will be parts to continue with a certain pairing.



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