Chapter 36 : The Final Chapter

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*** 2 Years On ***

Brunos P.O.V.

 My life with Hope is pretty amazing. I've found her out of nowhere and now she is the biggest thing in my life. She means so much to me and I believe that our future together is bright. We have a baby boy together, who we named Peter - after me, my dad and her dad. She's pregnant again now with a baby girl, who we are going to name Bernice. Bernie, for short. Hope is now 22, she'll be 23 in December. And I've gone 30... Yikes that makes me sound so old. We've had our ups and downs, losing our baby girl was heart-breaking and after the accident with Jessica, and everything we've both been through separately, we're on a high in our lives. My family have become the most important things to me and I wouldn't be here today without them. I'm still making music and so is she. Peter, he is the sweetest thing you could see. He has her bright blue eyes but my skin colour and thick hair, a lot like Winter used to have. He has his dad's good looks... And locks! We're planning to take him on his first holiday abroad this year, we're going to New Zealand and I have a gig there and we both love it out there.

"Bruno? Honey you ready? Peter's getting excited!"

"Coming babe! Gimme a sec!"

"What are you doing...?! You're not writing another song are you?"

"... No ..."

"Peter, we're going to be late!"

"Honey, it's not a song... I promise! Just get Peter in the car and I'll be out in a second"

"Okay... C'mon PJ, let's get you in the car while we wait for daddy!"

"My dearest Hope, Thank you for everything you have given me in the past few years, you have no idea how much I appreciate you and everything you do for me. You have blessed me with a beautiful baby boy and a young daughter on the way. I love you Hope. I always have and I always will. Thank you baby girl!"

"Bruno, honey come on."

" . . . "

"What. What are you doing...? Bruno, what is that?"

"Nothing babe, don't worry about it! Come on, let's go."

"Bruno... What aren't you telling me?"

"Honey, honestly, it's nothing for you to worry about!"

She walks out the door giving me a curious look and looking at the piece of paper on the table. I just smile and usher her into the car, grabbing the piece of paper and slipping it into my pocket. It's been three years since we got married and I wanted to do something special for her.

Hope's P.O.V.

It's our anniversary tomorrow. 3 years we've been married and he means more to me than anything, apart from PJ of course, we called him Peter James Hernandez, an absolute cutie and such an adorable baby. People often stop us in the street to say how cute he is and how they are so happy for us. That being said, I wanted to make tomorrow night perfect for us. I'd organised the guys plane tickets and a place to stay and asked them to meet us in New Zealand for a surprise performance for Bruno. Phil is his best friend and the band are like his family. I know it will mean a lot to him if they're there for him... For us. Peter sleeps the whole way to the airport but at the airport there's a bit of trouble. Fans are one thing, and we appreciate that, we love them, we are supported by them and they have got us to where we are today. Without them, I wouldn't have met Bruno because he wouldn't be where he is. But then, there's the media, the ones with the cameras constantly in your face, not great when you have an 18 month old baby... Peter couldn't stop crying while the media were shouting at us and taking photos. Bruno tried his best to move them away and cover us but it wasn't really working.

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