#15 Winter moments

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A/N: I just miss winter so much! And I wanted to write something cute, so yeah... 

Harry: You had never seen the Black Lake frozen like this. It was as if the entire Lake had turned into a huge ice cube. So, naturally, Harry suggested you went ice skating on it. Not so many students had had the idea, so you were pretty much alone with him, which honestly didn't bother you at all. You were unaware, however, that despite being Harry Potter, the youngest Seeker of the century, Harry was completely unable to skate properly. He fell at least a dozen times, sometimes dragging you along resulting on you falling on his chest.

"Best day ever" you said sleepily at your boyfriend and took a sip of your hot chocolate the house elves made for you when you came back to the castle.

"Totally" he answered, kissing your forehead.

Ron: You spent Christmas at the Burrow, seeing how Molly had insisted to meet Ronnikin's girlfriend, even though she already knew you for being Ginny's friend. In the morning, you woke up to find a little pile of presents, including a Y/F/C jumper knitted by Ron's mother. You were wearing it when Ron suggested you went up the nearby hill to sled. You pretended to be tired and had Ron pulling you on the sled, which, surprisingly, he did without complaining.

"Thanks, tiger" you said as you jump out the luge.

Upon receiving no answer, you looked up to see him holding a huge snowball just above your head with a devilish grin.

"Could we just pretend this is mistletoe?"

Draco: You and Draco spent the entire day in his bed, talking about nothing, just to enjoy each other's presence and warmth. You suddenly moved so that you were laying on his chest and he stroke your hair for a while in a complete silence, which was often broken when he wanted to kiss you.

"Oh, lord, look at this" he said. "It's time now, princess."

"Time for what, babe?" you asked.

"No question asked" he answered, dragging you out of his dorm.

He led you to the Astronomy tower, which you found strange since you were in vacation and all.

"What are we doing here?" you inquired, crossing your arms around your chest.

"Just take a look outside, Y/N"

You did as you were told, and the sight was worth leaving the comfort of your boyfriend's bed. Snow was everywhere, making the park look like it had been covered in glitters, but the best part was the sky. There were no clouds at all, and the stars shined even brighter than the snow, you had never seen the sky this clear.

"Wow... It's amazing." You said, your breath making little clouds due to the very low temperature. "But I must admit I'm a bit cold."

Draco chuckled and wrapped his arms around you as you kept staring at the sky.

Fred: "What are you doing here?" you asked Fred, who was trying to wake you up, as you dived deeper into your blankets. "In case you haven't noticed, this is a girls' dorm, boys can't even go there."

"Looks like the stairs made an exception for me" he said and you could tell his had his usual stupid yet cute little grin on his face. "C'mon love; let's build snowmen!"

After a lot of arguing ("but it's cold out there, Freddie!") and a huge breakfast, you and Fred were finally in the park, each one of you building a snowman on their own.

"Look, Y/N!" Fred called as you were adding detail to your snowman.

You came over him reluctantly with your hands deep in your pockets to protect them from the cold.

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