#26 What happened at the Yule Ball

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(Requested by @LoveDork)

A/N : So, lots of them never attended the Yule Ball, and there are some who the reader hadn't met at the time so let's just pretend^^

Harry: He asked you: Harry, being a champion for the Triwizard Tournament, had already defeated a dragon to get the golden egg, yet he couldn't manage to ask any girl out for the Yule Ball. He also needed a date because as a champion, he was forced to go. He had tried to ask Cho Chang out, but she said no ; and the Ball was only within a week. 

You, on the other hand, never really planned to go. It wasn't because no one had asked you out, a few guys did. But you weren't interested. Or maybe was it because the only person you'd want to go with was too busy fighting dragons, asking Cho Chang out and talking to fireplaces. Anyway, you were alone in a corner of the common room, doing your homework so you could do something else during Christmas break. Harry walked up to you and sat next to you, sighing and ruffling his hair. 

"So, Y/N" he started. "Found any date for the Ball?"

"No" you said emotionlessly. "But I-"

"I dont have a date either" he sighed again. "h-hey, since the two of us are free, maybe we could, like... Go together?"

Dancing: Harry is distressful when it comes to dance. Thankfully, you had grown up in a family that values old morals and obselete education, so you had learnt how to waltz. It was not always apropriate, especially not on a Bizar' Sisters' song, but you had fun nonetheless.

Something specific that happened during the evening: You and Harry had to dance  the first dance since he was a champion. McGonnall came to you and told you she really liked your dress and would have been wearing the same, had she been younger. It was a bit awkward, and Harry made fun of you for the rest of the evening.

Ron: He asked you: Of course not, he's Ron! He tried to, but got nervous so he ran away, and you thought he was crazy. He came to Harry for help, but Harry was a nervous wreck as well, so Ron asked his brothers. Which could have been a disaster, but the twins somehow decided to be nice for once. 

So, one morning, as you were walking in the Great Hall with Ginny and you both sat at Hufflepuff table, a paperplane landed on your plate. 

"Be carefull, this may be a prank from my brothers" Ginny warned when she recognized the shape of the paperplane.

You shrugged and unfolded it, making it explode around you. Covered in glitters, you still wanted to read the note the twins had left : "Hey, Y/N, would you go to the ball with me? -Ron". 

Dancing: Ron and you had two left feet each, so you didn't dance a lot. You tried to, but it was either you stomping on his foot, either him stomping on yours. The best solution was to sit at a table and watch everyone else dance, with Ron trying to catch peanuts with his mouth to... impress you?

Something specific that happened  during the evening: He missed a lot, so by the end of the party, there were peanuts all over your hair, on the floor around you, on his own laps... You thought it was fun until you walked out and got attacked by an owl.

Draco: He asked you: Snape came personnally in Slytherin's common room to make the announcement about the Yule Ball. No one really paied attention at first, because seeing Snape in the room where you live was a bit awkward, but as soon as he left, cheers erupted. You and Draco were seated on the couch in the middle of the room with his arm around you, so you were the centre of attention.

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