Chapter 15 - Oprah

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(A/N) So this is Michael's interview from Tatiana's Pov! I'm not going to do a full on interview, just basically the juicy parts (hahaha) (;

Tatiana 's POV

I go in the living room and turn on the TV. This is interview has been advertised everywhere. Billboards, TV. Its a huge deal because he's so mysterious in public.

"Good evening. I am Oprah Winfrey, live to you in North America and countries around the globe - bringing you a world exclusive interview with the most elusive superstar in the history of music, Michael Jackson. I'm here in front of his California home. Tonight, Michael Jackson will continue to surprise us by to seeing a special performance by him and the world premiere of his latest music video. And a sneak peak of his album Bad, and his short film Moonwalker. "

It then goes to show some clips from Michael's childhood, and as he got older. It then finally switches over, back to Oprah.

"Ladies and gentleman, Michael Jackson." I bite my nail, and Michael enters the room. He looks so beautiful, I can't look away. His curly, jet black hair is down, with a few loose curls in his face. He is wearing a black jacket, with a red band on his arm. He has on a silk red shirt, with a black skinny tie, and his pants look as if the are leather, with tons of buckles on the side. He looks extremely relaxed which makes me relax too for some reason. He goes up to Oprah with his gorgeous smile, and kisses her cheek before sitting down.

"So are you nervous?" she asks. He bites his lip and looks down for a brief second.

"No,actually not really." I find myself giggling, thinking about our conversation a few minutes earlier.

"Great! I want to make it clear that you have no idea what questions will be asked. Correct?" asks Oprah. He gives a sigh and nervous giggle.

"Correct." Oprah then talks to Michael about his childhood, siblings, and other things. Then Oprah starts to really get into it.

"So Michael, there is speculation that your that true?" I try not to bust out laughing. Not that I don't like gay people, but Michael is absolutely not gay. He's to much of a flirt, and he loves women. Michael rolls his eyes.

"No, I am not gay." 

"Do you date?" she asks. 

"Yes, I do."

"Are you dating anyone currently?" she asks. Michael smiles and bites his lip, giggling.

"Well, actually....let me rephrase the question. Are you dating Tatiana Thumbtzen?" she asks. My eyes widen....what is he going to say? I mean we aren't dating....we just have a thing. I guess......its just complicated!

"She's very beautiful...." he says. Oprah nods, pressing him to finish his answer. He giggles and looks down shaking his head.

"but no we aren't, I mean I'd like to."

"I understand you both are very close." she asks.

"We are. We have become close." he says. Closer than you think.....

"She is also very talented. She is starting to sing and her song is #2 on billboards already, she was a supermodel in Japan. I understand that she wrote a song for you, that's on your album?" she asks.

"Yes, she did. It's probably my favorite one."  he says.

"Is it true that you asked her to go on tour with you?" she asks.

"Yes." he says nodding.

"Did she have to audition?"

"No, she didn't. I've already seen her ability as a performer. Tatiana, has a great gift, and I'm so happy she is sharing it with the world. That's why I asked her to go on the Bad tour." I feel myself blushing like an idiot.

"It sounds like you like her a lot." Oprah observes. Michael giggles and looks down.

"Of course." he says blushing a little.

"I understand her birthday is coming up, are you going to do anything for her?" she asks.

"Well she is most likely watching this right now. So I can't say." Michael says. I roll my eyes. Michael loves surprises.

"And I think another question wants to know is........are you a virgin?" Michael begins to blush, and he covers his face. Seriously? She is going to ask that?

"Uhhh, how could you ask that?" he says blushing.

"Well we just want to know!" Oprah presses. Michael sits there for a moment, deciding how to answer,

"I'm a gentlemen." he says simply shrugging.

"You a gentleman?" she asks. He nods.

"I'm a gentleman." She raises her eyebrows for a explanation.

"I mean it's private. I guess I'm old fashioned with things like that, but I just think it should remain between two people."

I start thinking about the thought of making love to Michael, and find my heart racing. As the interview ends with showing The Way You Make Me Feel music video. I decide to go to bed, and call Michael in the morning.

Latoya's POV

I sneak outside the door and listen. Some girl named Rachel, keeps coming over to talk to Joe. I know they are up to something but I don't know what.

"See she didn't even have to audition!" Rachel says turning off the TV. Jack rolls his eyes.

"She'll have it coming soon. Soon you'll take you her place on tour." he says shrugging. "It isn't like Michael will have a choice."

What is he talking about Michael for? And replacing who? I shift my position and the floor creaks. Shit. I hear the talking stop and I quicklrrun upstairs praying Jack wont catch me.


Sorry its short!  Its late and I need to go to bed and get up early for a funeral.): I hope you guys liked it!! I pinky promisee the next chapter will be longer!!!! Vote/Comment! it seriously means a lot to me, and keeps me motivated!!!!"!



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