The solution

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"The town is small and they only have so much available." Elettra explained as they entered a rather small building. "We were able to secure this place for you. It's a little hut but it should work for what you need it for." They walked in to find a small kitchen connected to a dining area slash living room. The bathroom was off to the side, next to the doorway of the one bedroom.

"Um, there's only one room." Maka said softly looking at the little girl who nodded.

"It was the only place available for you." She smiled up at her as Maka and Soul glanced at each other, trying to devise a plan of sleeping arrangements. "Come on, it's still early. Let me show you around the town." She took Maka's hand and started pulling her with her as Reiner walked outside and leaned against the building. "Reiner, we'll be back!" She called as she and Maka started walking away. Soul paused to glance at the boy before he followed Maka and the girl, who showed them around the town and began explaining why the partners had been sent to this town in particular, as the sun began to sink and they reached the little home again.

"So Simone grew up here? That would explain why everyone is on his side, it's like they're protecting a friend." Maka sighed. "This is going to take a lot of time to work around."

"We can't take too much time." Soul told her as he took a seat in a wooden chair at the table. "This guy could come out and kill again and with the protection he gets here, there's no telling how many he could kill and get away with." Maka nodded as she sat next to him.

"Okay, well that's the entire town and all the information Reiner and me have gotten. We will keep looking and if we find anything, we'll let you know. We will be staying on the other side of the town for a few days before returning to our base." The girl said cheerfully before turning to look at her partner. "Let's go Reiner!"

"Yeah, yeah." He waved her off as she skipped from the building with him following slowly.

"Those are some strange kids." Soul said once they were left alone. "That girl was just too happy and the other kid. He didn't want anything to do with this stuff."

"Well they are young." Maka shrugged as she looked at the time. "I think we should get a few hours of sleep before we start looking around."

"Yeah, I guess you right. I'll take the floor." He told her as he stood up. "I hope they at least have some extra blankets and pillows." He grumbled as he walked into the bedroom. He found two blankets and a pillow to use, so he laid them on the floor and climbed in as Maka climbed in the bed. she had offered to let him take the bed and she had even brought up sharing the bed but that just left both blushing as he declined. It was better this way.

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