What he thinks of her

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Soul had known for a while that he had deep feelings for his meister. He had begun to realize slowly ever since their fight with Crona. He had thought about it many times and after he accepted the realization he could see his feelings all the way back to when they first fought Stein and he covered her to protect her. He loved her but he did not want to ruin the great friendship they had, especially since he was one of the only males she trusted. He was not going to screw that up. He could not help but wonder though. He looked over to see her turn in the bed, trying to get comfortable.

Maka watched Soul relax on the floor, looking at the ceiling. She thought back to earlier when she had offered to share the bed with him and she blushed again. She did not know what she was getting worked up over. They were mature enough to be able to share a bed for a night or two. It was not as if it would lead to anything. She shook her head and looked at him. He seemed to be thinking, she wondered if it was about their mission or if he was going over the same thing, she was. Maka had tried to ignore the feelings she had for her weapon for too long. She had felt a connection since they became partners but she realized what that connection grew into when she had almost lost him to the wound Crona gave him. She had told herself that it was just her feelings as a best friend that was why she became so upset. Time and again she continued to come up with some excuse, pushing off what was growing in her heart. After they defeated the Kishin almost a year and a half ago, she had decided not to push those feelings aside. She had seen how easy it was for life to be taken away and she was willing to give her feelings for Soul a chance. After all, he was about the only male she trusted. She rolled over and closed her eyes as sleep took over.

"Soul. It's time to get up. We have to see if we can get any leads." Maka said as she knelt beside him and shook him awake. "Come on. The sooner we finish the sooner we can go home."

"Yeah, yeah." He yawned. Slowly he got changed and walked out to find Maka had made some breakfast for them. The two ate as they discussed they their first move would be. "We're not going to get anything out of the town's people."

"No, they will try to keep him safe." Maka agreed. "Maybe if we start searching around the outside of the town we'll find something."

"It's worth a shot." Soul said before they were off on their search.

It took them all day to get nothing. It was now early evening as they started walking back towards the place they were going to be staying. Suddenly Maka stopped with a gasp. He looked at her confused a minute before she spun around looking at a small trail that led into the snow covered mountains. He smirked, she had found the evil soul, this guy could hide behind as many people as he wanted, he would never be able to hid from Maka's soul perception. Silently they started for the trial walking slowly as to keep themselves hidden until they came to a house, about the same size as the one they were staying in with smoke coming from the chimney.

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