New Beginnings

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    Tommy had barely made it through the door before Adam had fully collapsed unconsciously onto the bed beneath him, his body laying limp, his eyes closed lightly, his face pale.
    Tommy grabbed hold of the empty bottle of pills and began reading the label, insomnia drugs. He groaned and tossed the empty bottle to the floor, grabbing Adam's phone from his hands and dialing 911. He reached his arms beneath Adam and held him close as he gave the ambulance directions to the other male's house.
    The ambulance arrived not even 10 minutes later, hauling Adam up onto the stretcher and rushing him out of the house, immediately hooking him to all kinds of machines. It pained Tommy to watch.
    His body trembling, head pounding and heart aching, Tommy hopped into his car and sped off after the ambulance, following the flashing lights and loud sirens. He knew Adam was weak.
    When he finally arrived to the hospital, the nurses would not let Tommy in to see Adam quite yet, so he impatiently took a seat in the waiting room, square breathing to keep his mind in check, his whole body going numb. He was so scared.
    "Mr. Ratliff? Mr.Lambert is in room 2-301, upstairs and to the right, down hallway R." The nurse stated calmly, watching the impatient man.
    Tommy didn't take a single second to respond to the lady. Instead, he grabbed his keys and darted toward the elevators, impatiently slamming his finger against the 'Up' button, stepped into the elevator, and made his way up to Adam's level. He rushed down the hall when the elevator came to a stop and frantically watched each room number as he passed by. He came to a quick stop outside of the room 2-301. He stepped inside slowly.
    "Adam?" Came a soft voice from the doorway, there stood Tommy, peering in at his friend.
    The nurses had Adam awake, hooked to an IV that was working at flushing the drugs from his system. His bloodshot eyes gazed up into Tommy's. He was amazed. Tommy saved him.
    Tommy's face lit up immediately at the sight of Adam's eyes opening fully. He rushed over to Adam's bedside and dropped to his knees, grabbing Adam's hand into his. "You asshole! Don't ever do that shit to me again, okay? Fuck..." Tommy chuckled softly, at the same time, a tear falling from his eye.
    Adam gave a small smile at Tommy's grip onto his hand, his head turning slowly to face him. "I'm sorry I let myself do-"
    "Don't be," Tommy cut him off, "Don't be sorry. We all break down sometimes, don't apologize..."
    Adam nodded softly in understanding, his eyes closing slowly as he rested his head back into the cold pillows, which felt amazing against the back of his neck, seeing as his body heat was excessively warm from the medication.
    Tommy gave a relieved smile at Adam's nod and rested his head down against the hospital bed, closing his eyes as well, his hand still remaining firm around Adam's. This was the most he'd treasured a single person's heartbeat in his entire life. Knowing Adam was alive right now was the greatest relief he could have ever asked for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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