II. Latrunculus

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🌿 L a t r u n c u l u s 🌿

[Lat.]: Robber, thief

"Shaaaa!" A war cry broke out from Arboria's lips as she plunged the sais into the side of his head. The dummy groaned and finally fell off his stand, eyes filled with shurikens and knives stabbing his chest.

"Speciosus, tres puellae (Brilliant, three girls)," a voice boomed throughout the training room. "Continue like this and you'll become perditricis in no time."

Everyone else in the room stopped and glared as Arboria and her sisters bowed. It was no secret that the three girls were being noticed by the Authorities behind the one-way mirror that took an entire wall inside the training room and judged each time they went inside. Arboria ignored the intense stares on her back as she gathered her things and walked towards the exit, the twins following right behind her. Along the way, Nivalis stared back at their onlookers as if she was challenging them to be the first to turn away in discomfort, whereas Incendium smiled, waved, and winked mockingly.

As soon as the glares were shut behind the door, the twins dropped the act and wore huge grins. "We're going to be assassins soon!" Nivalis was bubbling with joy.

"I can't wait to kick some ass." Incendium punched the palm of her hand with her fist for emphasis.

The work of a Sitien fell into one of the four main categories: a vinitor, latrunculus, perditrix (female) or perditor (male), or an Authority. Everyone started out as a vinitor; working in the kitchen to prepare food, sweep the floors, and the likes.

They would move up as a latrunculus if they passed the test of stealth and basic combating. And from there, latrunculus would be among the selected perditrix or perditor if they showed great skill in anything related with their weapon of choice. Each job would guarantee a full stomach each night.

"Don't brag about it too much," Arboria lectured. "Bringing hostile attention towards us won't end well."

Incendium snorted. "Not for them, that's for sure. I'll drain all their pride and drink it."

"Is pride a synonym for blood?" Nivalis asked.

"What?" Incendium turned to look at her twin. "You're weird."

"Says my other half."

"Are you guys willing to have the door next to you be slammed in your face by exiting Sitiens or do you actually want to do something?" Arboria called from afar. The twins snapped their head towards her voice.

They had used up all of the badges from yesterday's mission and needed to do another to get some more. Arboria's stomach made a low growl as she remembered the breakfast she had missed for the sake of her younger sisters.

"Some exercise would be good."

"As long as I can kick ass, I'm in."

Arboria shrugged and motioned for the twins to follow her. "Let's find out."


Arboria knocked roughly on one of the large double wooden doors.

"Ingredior (enter)."

The girls stepped into the Authorities' office after receiving the invitation to do so and Nivalis closed the door silently behind her. The room was dark, even with the handful of candles that lined up at the wooden table, where five Authorities sat. It was impossible for Arboria to look at them, even when she was squinting all she saw were crimson robes and dark faces covered by a hood. But it was no surprise; no one lower than the Authorities knew how they really looked like.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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